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Is Japan a poosy paradise?

Is Japan a poosy paradise?

Quote: (09-19-2012 11:44 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Japan is definitely on my radar, I'm not particularly partial to Asian women or crazy about the culture, but I have pretty much only heard good things second hand from people that have been there or know others that have. The idea of teaching English abroad has always been on the backburner for me, the idea of teaching in S. Korea was kind of attractive due to the good pay, but unfortunately I hear that if you've been arrested it will automatically disqualify you. Does anyone know if this applies to Japan as well? I would assume that they are less strict, especially for a minor misdemeanor offense.

Also, anyone have any intel on the English teaching scene out there right now? I know there are a few members in Japan now, but it's not clear if they are teaching English or not. Can you make enough money teaching English to at least break even on living there? I mean ideally if I taught abroad I'd like to not break into my current savings, which may be hard to do if you enjoy eating out, drinking, buying nice things, etc.

Tokyo sounds too ridiculously expensive, but I hear Osaka is not as bad, I remember a forum member having good things to say about it in the past, and Anthony Bourdain painted a pretty positive picture of it in his show. Overall the cost of living and language barrier are pretty daunting, but it sounds like Japan is a pretty cool place, has lots of fun stuff to do, and cute Asian chicks who are potentially DTF. A year spent in a major city there, could pay off, I'll have to google that Fukuoka city Laner mentioned.

It's enough to drink and party on, but the pay is nothing special, could always be more.

You get about 3 months vacation during the year.

For me summer vaction = 1.5 month. Spring Vacation = 1 month. Winter break = 3 weeks. During that time you don't get paid much, some companies don't pay anything during those months you don't work. But you can also choose to find your own work doing lessons which isn't too bad.

And also Japan has so many weird holidays that you often get 3 day weekends. So it's good to have a Friday or Monday off here and there.

As for chicks, you need to speak Japanese if you want to get with the hotties. You need to be able to hold your own for about 1 or 2 dates worth of conversation.

They are not as easy as some people make them out to be. Yes they are shy, but they will give you shit tons of resistance. Then their are others who will fuck you within 2 hours of meeting them.

I and other people chasing these girls have seen that they are busy with work sometimes working everyday until 7pm or 10pm. Work takes 1st priority of everything in Japan. Even at the school i'm teaching at the teachers don't leave until 6-9pm mon - friday, but I get to leave at 4pm. Dates on Saturday and Sunday are usual here. When they do have a day off they may choose to spend it with you or not. Sometimes you will schedule a date 2 weeks in advance and it's ok. Thats why it's always safe to be going for the bang from the first encounter, cause chances are if you do get another shot it will be 2 weeks down the line, having to start all over again.

If you're logistics suck then that's the shit you will be putting up with.

However, if you got a nice location then it should be easier. I'm looking to move into the city.

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