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Is Japan a poosy paradise?

Is Japan a poosy paradise?

Read the BPYC book.
that dude picked up a couple STI's so I wouldnt believe low rates either.
On top of what Laner said.
Chicks are so shy,non confrontational/don't know their bodies..they wont got to the doctor.
There's also the fear that they would get labelled sluts for catching something in such a conservative society.

But,we all know..if you play the're bounded to get knocked down every now an then.

maybe more people can chime in.
Personally I don't find many FOB looking asian girls that attractive to pursue them..but I wouldnt mind hitting up the asian countries to give it a try.
A cousin of mine did military time in both japan and korea...nothing but good words.
He gave the impression that women were still very feminine..or better to say.. subservient that they would come and cook for him then leave,ect

I am the cock carousel

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