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College daygame: How to get fast day game approaches

College daygame: How to get fast day game approaches

Also, I want to comment a bit on Basil's locations..

Quote: (08-31-2012 12:48 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Library - Great isolation, but you don't get much traffic.

Some libraries do get alot of traffic. It depends on the time of day, etc. Look for "choke points" like we have described in the earlier posts of this thread. There are always tons of girls walking around searching for books. I like to go the same section as them and pretend that I am looking for a similar book.

Quote: (08-31-2012 12:48 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

You generally sit down next to one or two girls, and you're stuck with them for possibly hours at a time.

You are never stuck! You can always get up and move. As a non student gaming on a college campus, there is no reason to sit down for hours. If you don't see alot of targets, get up and move.

Quote: (08-31-2012 12:48 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Campus Grounds Watch out for campus security wheeling around and getting suspicious though...

Honestly, I have been gaming on college campuses for 10 years and I have never had this problem. Of course,
I do carry around a laptop bag so it looks like I am a student. Day game is just friendly conversation. It should just look like 2 people talking. I wouldn't worry about security unless you are going around asking girls if they wanna fuck. Just chit chat with girls and no one will suspect a thing.

Quote: (08-31-2012 12:48 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Library Coffee Shop- Good all around spot.

Yes, these places are good. Talk abou the coffee, the food, the music, classes, etc. All the usual coffee shop gaming rules apply, elderly openers, etc.

Quote: (08-31-2012 12:48 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Computer Lab - similar to the library, though louder with more movement. Being near the printer like you said could be very rewarding. Sometimes there are standing kiosks that get lots of traffic, and you could take one and mack every girl that comes up to the ones next to you.

I haven't had much success in computer labs, most girls are typing away at work. Like Basil says and Barca has pointed out, the kiosks and copy machines can provide good opportunities to approach.

Quote: (08-31-2012 12:48 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Cafeteria - Good while waiting in line and waiting for your food to order. Girls who are alone are prime, but cuties alone may be hard to come by. It might be tough trying to number close a cutie while her gaggle of friends are ten feet away, and she's bouncing in two minutes to her table.

I like these because I like to talk about food. Waiting in line is the perfect time to approach. Don't worry about her friends. If you are confident and smooth, she will go back to her table and tell her friends - "omg, guess what just happened! I just gave my number to that cute guy who was talking to me in line, he is like 27 and in grad school but he was just so confident, there was something about him, you know I have been wanting to bang an older guy!!"


There are so many opportunities to approach on campus. You just have to go there are experiment with different situational openers. With a little trial and error, it will get much easier.

Also, did you see my response to your question in this thread from last week? Notice the last part which I have bolded. It sounds crazy but it would work!

Quote: (08-27-2012 03:00 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (08-27-2012 02:28 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

What day game venues have you found to be fruitful, that also let you stay fairly stationary?

University Library
University Food court
The airport arrivals area
Big fancy shopping districts (in font of the fancy womens stores)
High end malls
Big touristy areas like Times Square in NY or Union Square in SF

Just go to any major college and find the coffee shop.

I used to have an office on a college campus and that was amazing. I also worked at the college farmers market and that was awesome too. I have also bartended in the afternoon and that was great.

If you just wanna sit down and have and an endless stream of pretty girls approach you, I would set up a cheap jewelry and sunglasses booth on a college campus. I see these guys all the time. You just gotta pay like 50 bucks for an "outside vendors pass". Girls will be buzzing around you all day.

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