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College daygame: How to get fast day game approaches

College daygame: How to get fast day game approaches

Good post basil and giovonny,

That's exactly it, chokepoints inside the college campus,
at giovonny funny thing that I've actually used the cafeteria opener you mentioned, i post up/circle around by the buffet table with a puzzled face and ask "excuse me what is that?" or "wow that looks good"

I like your microwave idea, going to try next time, gona borrow your opener next time,
"that smells good what is that?"
if shes open to conversation im sure she wont mind rambling about how she prepared her meal.

at IpsaScientiaPotestasEst the chick I insta dated was an art major she had a cheap brush she was gona get from the book store(they also sell school supplies there as well) I opened her with a recommendation (i know not elderly opener) on the quality of the brush and what it was for,( more for water color based paint).. id check where they sell art supplies or pass by the theater book section , music section of the bookstore or any where else where you might think artsy chicks might be.

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