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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

thedude's post motivated me to post my approaches on Tuesday night. Had an OKC date setup, so told her to meet me at the bar. Usually I show up late, but I thought let's just switch it up.

Bar 1, Approach #1:
Get there early and sit at the bar. Girl comes and sits next to me, so I ask her if she is the one I'm supposed to meet. She laughs and says no but that she's meeting some guy off of OKC for the first time too. Chat a bit, she seems friendly. Told her if it doesn't work out to come grab me and we'll head to another bar. Laughs and says ok. Eventually her guy shows and she goes. My mistake? I should have just gotten her # there. Live and learn.

Bar 1, Approach #2:
Guess this isn't really an approach, but the date shows up. Horrendous face, though pretty good body. Annoying as shit. I tried to see if I could get drunk enough to get past the face, and I was almost there. She had to be one of the top 5 most annoying girls I've met so eventually the date fizzled. Whatever, time to roll solo to my new pulling joint. Already a bit buzzed/drunk.

Bar 2, Approach #1:
Get to my spot and it's packed, lots of girls. I really love this place. Go outside to the smoking patio, ask a girl for a light, she's ok nothing special just wanted to get an approach out of the way. Start chatting she is there with her boyfriend and some friends, she says she'll introduce me to her friend who's birthday it is. Go inside, meet there friends nobody bangable so eject myself politely to go to the bathroom.

However, before I actually go into the bathroom see this bangable girl smoking a cig by herself. I had to piss so badly though I went to the bathroom and thought I'd approach her after. Come back, she's gone. Dammit.

Bar 2, Approach #2:
Go inside to the main bar and position myself next to two girls. Ask this columbian looking girl if I can see the drink menu. She hands it to me and asks me what I'm going to order, and we start looking at the menu together. Fizzles out eventually, though she had a british accent which I am a sucker for.

Bar 2, Approach #3:
So back on the smoking patio, I start actually chatting up a guy. Cool guy, said had a girlfriend and we were just shooting the shit. The girl that was smoking by herself walks by and the other dude grabs her and introduces her to me. I think he had just met her that night. So we start chatting and she's a photographer etc. etc. Going well, then I asked her who she's with, and she responded: I took the subway alone from downtown. Ok, we are in LA so this is not common, nor is it common for girls to go out alone that often. So my slut radar was going nuts at this point. She was decent, but certainly hotter girls were walking around. I almost thought of trying with the other hotties, but she passed the boner test, was 24 and looked 19, so I went with it. Kept talking, got a drink, then she said it was late so I walked her out and used my standard line of "I'm not that tired, going to grab a drink at my place if you want to join me." She goes where is your place and I told her a few blocks down.

Head to my place, at first she wouldn't even kiss me. Some more touching and she warmed up, then again said no sex. I said why she said she was on the rag I said bullshit. Well she was, so she was not lying. I told her let's get in the shower. For whatever reason, after I said this she went from shy to super whore. Her response... "I don't want to go in the shower, I want a man to fuck me on my period in his bed." WTF. Ok whatever so I picked her up from the couch and carried her into the bed and started going after it. Then she goes "Ok we can do this if you promise to be nice to me and take me to breakfast tomorrow." me: "you want me to be nice to you?" her: "not really you could be mean." Anyway, so we end up boning, twice, then she leaves in the middle of the night. I wake up, make a fake attempt at trying to stop her from leaving, then pass out.

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