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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

Went to bed last night with the intention of spending the whole day doing day game.

Unfortunately, I slept until 3pm.

I was pissed at myself, how could I sleep for 13 hours?

Thoughts and excuses swarmed in my head about how I couldn't do approaches now, the whole day is basically over! Meh, I said, and went out to the pool. I enter the gate and see a beautiful white girl wearing a white string bikini.

"I should have brought my vodka" I say to myself.

She looks at me as I approach the chair next to hers. "Is this seat taken?" I ask as I put my towel down.

She seemed kind of cold so I said "You don't mind me laying up next to you, do you?"

Her:"haha No, why would I mind? I mean as long as you don't stand right here and take all my sun"
Me: "I don't know some people are weird.
Her: "Yeah I guess but I've never seen someone get mad because they decided to layout next to them"
Me: "Me either"

And she talks on her phone for a while. Goes to the other side of the pool and turns around and shows me her ass for a while.

I Dive into the pool

and do an underwater lap. I swam around until she went back to her chair. I got out and asked her if she thought I was good enough to make it to the 2016 Olympics.

Then this guy comes out and sits down next to her and says whats up to her. Apparently it's her boyfriend.

He gets up after a few minutes and walks past me with a big smile and says "Hey bro" and I smirked back and gave him the whats up head nod!

Her fucking phone goes off again and she talks to her friend about how her boyfriend fucked another girl while she was at work. She said she was going to forgive him.

He must be a cool guy.

This whole time she has her ass to my like this
[Image: attachment.jpg7365]   

With her meaty vagina lips slightly bulging out through the bikini.

She hears the gate slam shut and she goes Oh no its steven I gotta get out of her! And hops up and runs to the other side of the pool.

He walks past me looking pissed off and stares at her from across the pool. I sit there for another minute before I leave.

I ordered takeout from a Mexican food restaurant. The girl at the counter was cute.

Her: Do you want guacamole or salsa [Image: biggrin.gif]
Me: Guacamole.
Her: Good I guessed right!
Me: Do I look like a guy who likes guacamole or something?


Her: Is there anything else you wanted?
Me: Coke
Her:OH thats right! One or two.
Me: Hmmm one?

Not sure why she asked me that.. She comes back and goes
her: Here's your coke..Anything else [Image: smile.gif]"

Annnnnndddd I bombed said nope thanks see you later. And left without asking for her number. [Image: sadwave.gif]

From now on I'm going to start asking every single cute food service girl for their number when they ask me "Anything else?"

Tomorrow I am going to wake up at 10 am and approach all day until I go out to dinner. I expect most of the interactions to bomb as my day game is subpar.

One of my friends told me that I'm really good at turning awkward situations into not so awkward situations. I guess I have that going for me.

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