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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-19-2012 11:02 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Went to a club last night with Slubu. Place is supposed to be the hot shit in Hollywood. I must have run 8 or so approaches. Slubu had a couple that he brought me into, he brought a couple girls outside to smoke, these girls were pretty bangin' (esp. that girl in the blue dress) and I thought we had something going until they pulled some ADD bullshit, one of them saw someone they knew and they ran off. Each of my approaches turned out the same and I lost steam pretty early in the night actually. Usually I gain momentum but I just got frustrated.

As the night wore on, the ratio got worse, and the music got louder. In retrospect, my only options at that point would have been to go caveman style, which itself would have been hard since there was no proper dance floor, and the scene was very cliquey.

Typical club bullshit, I'd get some interaction going, go for strong initial contact, arm around the back and whatnot, but the ADD level was through the roof. Also I'd watch girls bounce from one group of guys to the next, just soaking up attention.

At one point I was talking to a girl, and another girl across the bar with big tits waved at me. I think it was one of the girls we chitchatted on the street before going into the club. This was probably my only chance to score but I stayed talking to my girl and she, in turn, left after a couple minutes to go check up on her friend. I ran all my approaches at the bar but it led to nothing. Girls would come up, I'd open her up, maybe get a laugh, I'd go for physical contact, she'd flake and bounce. Rinse, repeat.

Seems like girls were just walking around constantly, there was constant traffic and I'm pretty sure it was girls walking to the bathroom and then walking all the way back to the table they were whoring themselves out to for free booze.

All in all, confirming everything I know about clubs. Even though we got into the hot club of the moment, we still had to deal with all the horseshit. This particular club is renowned for celebs hanging out, and there was a private VIP room adjacent to the room we were in. I can only imagine that's where all the hotties went to go suck some celebrity cock and do a few lines. I'm sticking to my policy of only going to clubs if I have a strong hookup, can get free bottle service or otherwise VIP treatment, because otherwise there's literally no way to stand out.

Now that I have a chance to digest the previous night what absurdity to have a separate VIP club that you can't even look into without getting in. So the main club had another "side club" that only certain people go into. That's probably where all the hot girls were at, because the pedestrian area while still having talent wasn't the levels it should be for the it spot in Hollywood. You're right about the bathroom - whenever I walked by there many many girls were there that I hadn't seen. So my only guess is they were table whores or in that secret VIP area.

First approach was a hipster looking girl with her friends by the bar. Chatted her up a bit, brought thedude in and went back and forth. At one point she mentioned she has a "guy's" attitude towards things and is very direct and to the point. Translation - slut? Anyway to echo what thedude said ADD kicked in and she left after a solid 20 minute chat session. Saw her later bouncing from dude to dude.

Few more approaches were nothing special, quick interactions that died quickly. Then found those two hotties, goddamn that one in the blue dress was attractive. She invited me outside to smoke with her and her friend, grabbed thedude and we went outside. Apparently she had just taken some molly and was ready to have fun. Completely absorbing all my touching. But ADD time, left and I really thought last man standing would have gotten her.

What turned out to be my last approach of the night I'm not even sure how I found her (kinda buzzing at this point). Must have been outside at the smoking patio. Half chinese half french girl, slender like I enjoy. Can't recall face that much. Anyway, immediately went into touching, she kept saying she had a boyfriend but literally started grabbing my dick at the club. Ended up bouncing with her, trying to get her to come back to my place (about 10 minutes away). Wouldn't, went to her hotel and she wouldn't let me up to her room because she was splitting it with 4 other girls. Eventually her friends came and dragged her away. It was a hard sell anyway because she kept saying "I have a boyfriend, I have to go home" but was holding my hand the entire time and rubbing up on me. If my place was closer or I had a hotel room I think I could have banged.

Outside super sluts that will go through whatever obstacle to get boned logistics are so key. Not sure what has caused me to go out so much these past few months, but I'm out on a date or go to a bar (or sometimes both) 5x a week now. And the more I go out the more I notice a trend of how to succeed. Basically it's 1) not giving a shit, 2) not giving up / persistence, and 3) logistics. Obviously there is more in terms of general game tactics but those 3 seem huge to me.

Outside Vegas, clubs are much worse than bars/lounges even restaurants. Oh well onto the next night.

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