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What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress?

What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress?

Is he from a proud Scottish family, was it St Andrews Day, and was he wearing a kilt rather than a dress? If yes to all then no problem.

But seriously, the zeitgeist changes faster and in different directions than people anticipate. This couple may think letting and encouraging their child do this now is very cute and politically correct. But who knows what will be politically correct in 10+ years time. They may be setting themselves up to be successfully sued by their own son.

I seem to remember an extreme case, in Canada I think, where a couple raised their son, from birth, exactly like one would raise a girl. Including wearing dresses etc. They were trying to prove some sort of "gender is socially constructed" sort of crap. Of course he ended up being so fucked up that all the Psychoanalysts in Vienna wouldn't be able to put him back together again. My memory is hazy, but I think there was some question of legal action against the parents. Either by the son, or the Crown, I'm not sure.

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