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Gaming Go-Go Dancers in the Club

Gaming Go-Go Dancers in the Club

Quote: (08-12-2012 11:58 AM)rationalize_this Wrote:  

Anyone have experience with this or ever pulled one of these girls? They are usually incredibly hot, with amazing bodies. These aren't the girls that are strippers, these are the ones that dance on high surfaces/ the walls at clubs. Maybe some of the same principles apply however.
Barriers to getting these girls: Probably have to deal with getting hit on ALL THE TIME, stared at, etc. Its very loud, and hectic atmosphere, and they are working.
I think the best way to pull these girls is catch them during the day, and day game them. But the problem is finding where they hang out during the day, most have day jobs as well.
Any ideas?

The Gym or Yoga

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



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