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What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress?

What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress?

Quote: (08-08-2012 04:48 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

All this gender neutrality bullshit focuses on boys being able to play with dolls and dressing like girls.

I'd like to see an article where parents dress their girls like construction workers, encourage them to curse, teach them how to lift weights, and then make them kill birds with slingshots. But you won't see that. The war is against men, not women.

You do see that, it just happens ten years later, with girls trying to be "one of the guys." Doing drugs, cursing, beer bingeing, getting tattoos, fighting, not wearing heels and dresses, Skrillex haircuts.

In America, we have a much stronger aversion to guys acting like girls than to girls acting like guys. You hear about little girls playing soccer or softball, but how often do you hear of parents signing their boys up for say, ballet (which isn't even gay, if you're secure with yourself). So there's a corresponding femininity deficit.

And, as I've written elsewhere, American men neither understand nor appreciate femininity, so they try and cajole their daughter into doing all the things they planned for a son. Instead of just accepting that they have a daughter and treating her accordingly, they think "hey, just because she's a girl, it doesn't mean I should treat her differently! It's the 21st century!"

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