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Traveling with high income

Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-07-2012 12:28 AM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Thank you for your insight fellas and thank you joehoya for that epic post. I'm saving that one.

Calibrating the money angle for safety purposes is still a bit of a grey area given the conflicting reports in this thread, but knowing me I'll probably stick to capital cities until I gain a bit more experience and generally err on the side of caution.

As a fellow Canadian, you would be surprised there are alot of western countries where you cannot pull out a wad of money. I remember I did that in London, UK and was told not to do so by my cousin. I can tell you a few stories regarding similar stories regarding people with money being jacked.

I could be wrong but I would not want to show wealth in most countries around the world, in EEurope people are generally poor and miserable. They are looking a way out, although they will never admit this fact. Roosh has talked alot about this type of stuff recently.
You don't want to be viewed as there ticket out of industrial shithole.

Again, it all depends on the type of girls you like. I would head straight to Scandinavia, you would be safe there and can flash a bit of cash.

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