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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

Approach last night.

Went to a house party with the theme 'goth party', I gothed up in some old black work boots(steel toecaps), black combat trousers, and a purple mesh/tie dye goth top. I also accessorised with black nail polish and eyeliner(done for me by my sister). Upon getting to the party an hour after it began I knew I was in trouble, people actually burst out laughing when they saw me, one girl named heather said 'you took the goth party thing very seriously', literally zero other people looked even remotely goth.

Started drinking in the back garden with the guys of the party while the girls all sat in the dining room doing shots, there were maybe 8 guys to 4 girls at this point in the party. The gender segregation felt very forced and childish, but whatever I was joking away with the guys building up a real social vibe. Two girls arrived, one heavy set 4 and her friend who had the biggest breasts in the party, definitely passing my binary. I moved to chat to them immediately saying hey welcome to the goth party, I am the goth of the goth party. We chatted some trivialites, how do you know the host etc, then they asked why i was the only guy drinking inside with the girls, I replied us goths have feelings, we need to share them, which got a laugh from my target. Her friend then revealed that she had a 17 year old sister, I made some joke about hitting on her little sister when she started hitting the goth clubs, which didn't go down so well. My target said if i fucked her mates sister she'd get her boyfriend to castrate me. Yep, some gentle genital mutilation humor from my target, along with dropping the boyfriend bomb about 20 minutes into the chat. I responded asking if they didn't want the young'un to find love, tried to diffuse the situation and build more comfort. Alot more people where arriving now, the other guys moved in to the party so my ability to game my target was interrupted. Then suddenly she started playing footsie with me under the dining table, which was a strong indicator of interest, but with her friend being right beside her and her having a boyfriend I knew I would have to wait and hope she could be isolated.

Later in the night I was upstairs talking to the host in his room when the girl moved to wait for the bathroom, when the person inside left she simply stood there outside looking at me in the hall. It seemed entirely unnatural, why wait for the bathroom then not go inside. I approached immediately and without saying a word slowly leaned in and started kissing her, all the while occasionally checking over my shoulder for anyone coming upstairs or out of the hosts room. After a minute i took out my phone with the numbers showing and pressed it into her hands, she wordlessly typed in her number. Then I went downstairs and continued on with the party. This was the absolute weakest part of my game that day, I should have dragged her into the bathroom but instead I hoped to build more tension and convince her to come home with me after her friend left. Suffice to say she left shortly after with her friend in a taxi. She has text me this morning, I said I regretted not fucking her right there in the bathroom, but it was for her benefit I didn't because of her boyfriend. She replied 'if it was for my benefit you would have lifted me into a bedroom'. Lesson revisited, keep pushing until you are rejected.

Felt cool getting the prettiest girl though, also doing it while being the only goth at a goth party. Peacock theory maybe?

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