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Budapest Data Sheet

Budapest Data Sheet

Quote: (07-28-2012 02:21 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Vikers, it was not a question of luck. I did not even bother to make an approach.

The women were by and large ugly, everybody looked miserable, nobody seemed to be having a good time.

Me and two friends were made to cue up just to get onto the island and then queue up again outside one club (Dokk). As it was an outdoor club you could clearly see the entire club from the queue and the club was 2 thirds empty and yet the bouncers were still making people wait in a queue outside just so that they could have a queue and look important which was fucking retarded.

Me and my friends got bored of waiting and queuing for no reason at all, gave up and went to several other bars on the island.

All of them had run out of cold beer.

Can you fucking believe that?! Not one bar that we found was able to serve a bottle of cold beer. Their excuse was it was a Saturday night and busy.

I dont care how busy you are, if you own a bar and are not capable of serving a cold beer then you are a retard.

I was handed piss lukewarm bottles of beer which they would try to charge me double the regular price for and when I sent them back and ordered something drinkable instead like a rum and coke the bartenders would either scowl at you or refuse to serve you.

Women were mostly ugly and looked miserable. The best looking women I saw all night was my friend's girlfriend and she was Serbian.

Everything about it was shit.

Your experience sounds a bit bizarre so there are some important questions open:

Is this the usual situation there?
Do they have never serve cold beer there?

I don't experienced that when i was there,shoots and beer were cold,and it was a couple times(lived there 3 months).

How many times were you there?
If once i don't think it's an exaggeration to speak of having an unlucky night there,since these type of awkwardness can happen in any club on a bad day,in particular on a Saturday night(however i never experienced that).

And speaking about the women,just one question:

How can observations be "SO" diefferent?

I mean,one is speaking of the hottest women he has ever seen in a club,and the other is speaking of mostly ugly women.

Is somebody swindling here or are we speaking of a pretty different taste in women?
If so, what are your preferences of hot women,because the original posts author has the following ones:

"Very skinny and a bit on the taller side. They all wear short skirts and heels."

Don't get me wrong, but following things logically yours must be the total opposit,if they were:

"Women were mostly ugly and looked miserable"

Or is somebody swindling?I dont think so.

I think we need some further explanation to be thoroughly enlightened if other guys on here want to visit the place.I think they all want to know what they might gonna go for...

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