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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

Damn all this day game is making me jealous! Gio i'm taking some serious notes right now everything for me is still 100% night game. Maybe i'll force myself to pull a girl during the day! Last night was a complete joke but i'll go ahead and post the truth here and pray i don't get banned.

Me: Hey where'd you get that purse from?
Her: Russia.
Me: Oh really it looks very 1950's victorian, I would have guessed somewhere in western Europe. When I was visiting out there in Paris (say "Pari" to enunciate) i saw a green one that looked very similar on an older lady. (flip phone up to show her what I was talking about which was previously set on the photo)
Her: Oh really wow that is similar! Why were you there?
Me: Oh i'm a purse snatcher that what i do for a living i left that part out (smirk)
Her: Haha no really what do you do?
Me: I'll give you a big hint soon but you're going to to have to put away the fist pump moves
Her: What? You mean you want to dance?
Me: Oh of course we're going to dance (grab hand walk to floor)
~10 mins of dancing (take off jacket in the process so she can realize i am fit) after the second song ends...
Me: I'm going to smoke (start walking away)
Her: (starts following)
Me: Get to the line check jacket, look behind me and pretend i didn't know she was tracking me "Oh hey again Russian girls must really love to smoke!"
Her: It is common in Moscow! You're a great dancer! Do you teach for a living or are you going to steal my purse? =) (pretty much cooked here, check in both jacket and her purse at the same time so we're stuck with each other now)
Me: Maybe (smirk, grab her hand and lead her to a place outside that's out of sight, light up)
(make out in corner, show a ton of photos talk about traveling blah blah)
Her: You don't look like someone who smokes, people in Sf don't really smoke! Who are you? I don't get it why'd you talk to me?
Me: If I see someone cute i have no problems saying hello.
Her: (blush)
Me: Lets go back and dance we'll see how good your memory is! (grab hand go back dance)
Her: Wow you're a great teacher! It feels great dancing with you
(make out again)
Me: Lets get out of here
Her: ummm my friends are going to worry
Me: Okay lets go meet them!
(I sift out the most likely to cockblock)
Me to random dude: Hey what's your drink?....
10 mins later after getting the dude a drink and giving him a few pointers on dancing.
Me (Talking to Russian again) Okays lets get out of here I know a good place for food since you're new here (say this loudly with her friends around)
Random dude: This guy seems cool go for it! (friends approve)
Lock hands and leave... I'll stop there as i'm sure you guys all know what food is ha! Didn't know wtf her name was until 2 hours ago.

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