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Real proof of american societal decline

Real proof of american societal decline

How do you turn a fox into an elephant? You marry it

Women are having children later in life for one. Their bodies do not heal properly and they battle to lose the weight after pregnancy. Many refuse to cook which means their diet consists of a lot of quick to prepare fatty foods loaded with sugar and bad carbs. They drink like sailors and women these days hammer the drinks back. If you are out 2-3 times a week and you are constantly drinking alcohol its going to be tough to keep the weight off if you are inactive. Throw into the mix contraceptives which hammer their hormones too. Then its the current media frenzy telling them its ok to be chunky and men should love you for whats on the inside.

After they marry and have kids why bother being in shape? To fuck the hubby who is chained to them legally and emotionally anyway? They have his balls in a vice and if he cheats he is taken to the cleaners and loses all that is dear to him. There is no reason to look good for him, hence the tracksuit pants and beer gut. She gets half his paycheck and a choice to work or not while she sits on her fat arse watching oprah all day.

Its not the USA alone. Its all western cultures. Here in Australia a lot of women end up the same way, only to get angry when Aussie men end up with Asian women. Ever been to England? They were rejoicing in the streets when it was announced that English women have the biggest tits, yet they fail to admit that they are ugly fat tits and not the penis popping melons of lust you see on the eastern europeans.

The problem for all of us is that merely being in shape for women now automatically makes them hot. For them to be at a normal bodyweight makes them attractive. Which means you have what are actually 5's and 6's acting like 7's and 8's because they have options.

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