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Real proof of american societal decline - Jim Kirk - 07-17-2010

I just spent my vacation week off in a planned recreational community where my inlaws have a big place. This is the 5th summer. Huge lake, well monitored beaches, biggest heated outdoor pool in the State, etc. Good for the kids and Mr. and Mrs. Kirk get somewhat of a break. Mrs. Kirk is 7 months pregnant with our third and cant get around that much. What is important - this development is in a real rural area but the median house price is about 600k - I could not touch getting a place here. In other words - this is a wealthy crowd that should know better.

I am 6 foot and weigh 205 pounds - I just saw at least 10 women whose right leg weighs as much or more than my entire body. I cannot fathom how anyone, let alone a female, could eat that fucking much to get that big - and to consume enough food on a daily basis to maintain that weight - how the hell do they do it - how the hell do they wash their asses? how the hell to they get pregnant and how do they survive labor and delivery. Nothing in your body will work properly when you are that grossly overweight.

There is also no 'shame' in it anymore, there were 5'5" women over 250 pounds wearing 'bikinis' and cute little gold anklets. It made me sick. I was helping my 4 year old use the stairs up out of the pool and I have a 300 pound geriatric 'on line' behind him. They are unable to lift themselves up out of the pool. They walk 100 feet down and back in the pool and they 'did their excercise'. If you figure that the normal weight for a 5'5" woman is around 127 pounds - these broads are carrying around far more fat on them than bone, brain or muscle tissue. With a 7 month along distended belly - the circumfrance of Mrs. Kirk's belly is less than 75% of the women that were out there.

Now contrast this with a lot of these fatties' kids - the fatter the mom - the more likely the 11 year old daughter (or 9 year old or 6 year old) was put into a bikini with a 'cut' way to old for their age. You want to do a study in contrasts - 55 pound 12 year old girl in brazilian cut bikini (with seam down the ass crack) next to 350 pound mother in black bathing suit. The mother's leg and one buttock weigh more than the girl. Wave after wave after wave of these characters.

There were about 15 women (out of 300) that looked like they took care of themselves - thats it. Over a Hundred gabunzas though.

Perhaps this is just the New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania set - its just I've been around large families with kids in parts of France, on the beach and in the 'town' pools. Never saw anything there like I see here. I know I'm just bitching and its kinds of off the PU subject - but since we get a of cultural notes here - I thought I would add this.

If the 'look' and general health of the supposed upper class is so bad - what does that say about the nation and its future? You can spend 10k, 15k, or 20k on health care per person in the USA right now and it wont work - a Brazilian earning some kind of wage but living in Brazil, never seeing a Doctor, maybe he was vaccinated when he was young - spends 10$ a year on health care yet at the end of the day he will be healthier and live longer.

Like someone (I thinkg Sting) said 'there is no political solution to our troubled evolution' - what the hell the bulk of our population is evolving into I'll be damned if I know - Jabba the Hut? Maybe you dont see this in Miami or Hawaii - but the Sean Hannity/Anne Coulter set is 'fighten for the kids' one box of donuts at a time.

Just a thought - don't ban me for painting ugly mental images. I'll be back on the beach tomorrow - I'll try and take pics.

Real proof of american societal decline - Roosh - 07-17-2010

Yes we need pics.

I think the American cultural system has been broken for some time now. In fact we have no culture to speak off, we're just trend hoppers (look at fat charts from the late 80's... we weren't an obese people then). We have no identity, so we become empty vessels for whatever it is that marketers want to fill us with. Corporations own those who participate, like the hipsters who line up and go crazy for a new cell phone with the bigger G B's. My 6-year-old brother is not really my dad's kid anymore. He's been exposed to so much media that he's just a robot for getting his parents to buy him shit he saw on the television or internet.

PS. You should consider starting a blog. You have a good voice.

Real proof of american societal decline - InternationPlayboy - 07-17-2010

No culture? Football, baseball, music, movies, tv. People are watching our culture all around the world.

Real proof of american societal decline - kindredspirit - 07-17-2010

I won't even get into this other than to say the happiest time of my life began when I stopped watching American television completely, stopped reading American news completely, and stopped watching Hollywood films entirely (with the occasional Sci-Fi and Fantasy exception where they're not able to, as easily, sneak in their cultural agenda/worldview on you).

It also coincided with when I departed from the United States for good.

Having said that, I think there are A LOT of dysfunctional culture all over the world.

In my opinion, the more of the marketing-driven, corporation owned propoganda/brainwashing blitz you can tune out of your life, the better and happier you will be. Equally important is replacing that excess noise and attention-sucking vortex with something meaningful and satisfying in your life. I'm finding this latter part to be a continuing, evolving process of trial and error.

Finally, I've reached a point where if I hear an American accent on a woman, I lose all interest. It's like the Anti-Viagra effect.

Real proof of american societal decline - hydrogonian - 07-17-2010

Quote: (07-17-2010 01:00 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

My 6-year-old brother is not really my dad's kid anymore. He's been exposed to so much media that he's just a robot for getting his parents to buy him shit he saw on the television or internet.

And at six years old. He's barely old enough to be aware of himself. Of course, a bit of an exaggeration. But seriously, thats another great reason to make a play for a location-less lifestyle. To be able to raise your kids in a more traditional environment.

However, its probably rare these days that any kid, anywhere, isn't exposed to too much media. However, if their friends are all too far removed to ever be able to afford any of that stuff, then perhaps the expectations will be kept in check and they will have a chance at growing up psychologically healthy, with decent values and a realistic and healthy appetite for what really matters in life. I feel that if someone has female children, then this would be even more relevant. American females, unless they grow up in a very emotionally healthy household that really keeps a check on what their kids are exposed to, seem to be all but ruined psychologically.

And just think, all of those upper class heifers, who aren't doing shit for their kids in terms of values (the bathing suits), are entitled to half of their husbands assets. WTF are these guys marrying for? They are probably dumbfounded, every single day. Again, a story like this makes me appreciative of what I don't have.

Real proof of american societal decline - Lumiere - 07-17-2010

Quote: (07-17-2010 05:58 AM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

Finally, I've reached a point where if I hear an American accent on a woman, I lose all interest. It's like the Anti-Viagra effect.


Real proof of american societal decline - thekiller - 07-18-2010

It's all over the World now, America is just the exporter. Rion Williams talks a lot about Relational Mastery, which boils down to controlling what you read, watch, listen to, and engage in. I highly recommend the book Influence, the Psychology of Persuasion. It gives you a background on the principles advertisers use to make you want things (some principles are worth noting for pick up as well). The only TV shows I watch are ones I select on DVD, commercial free, and what little of the crap I read that passes for magazines these days I make a game of tearing down the messages in the articles and ads.

As for the kids, is it any surprise that most parents aren't doing their jobs when the schools and government have been taking over more and more of the role of parent? Mr. Kirk likes to make a swipe at the "Sean Hannity/Anne Coulter set" but the progressives who've been in control of the schools and universities and torn apart the Nuclear family are just as much to blame for the lack of American Culture.

If as Americans you want to change this, then have kids, keep them unplugged, and instill your values in them as best you can.

Real proof of american societal decline - Giovonny - 07-18-2010

Captain Kirk!

I wish you would post more often. For some reason, many Americans have become unhealthy. We eat a poor diet, don't exercise enough, work too much, etc.

Why? I don't know, but I would love to hear Friedrich Nietzsche try to answer that. (Existential Nihilism)?

Its obvious that the most powerful companies/corporations are really trying to influence what we buy and even what we think/believe and do.

Does this mean that our entire society and culture is broken? I think parts of it are and parts of are not.

IT IS depressing to see woman destroy themselves, and with no shame in front of their own children, if we don't value our own health , and value our own lives, then something is weird.

We have allowed the Profiteers to take over everything. War is for profit, Healthcare is for profit, Religon is for profit. The Consumer Economy has exploded, materialism and status are whats valued. We have allowed to marketing gurus to effect our culture and values. Capitalism gone out of control. People seemed a little depressed. Many are living lives of slow suicide.

But there are still many parts our our society that are healthy and functional. We are still amoung the hardest working people in the world. We are are amoung the most "tough minded" and "stick to it" people on Earth. Our recent World Cup Soccer Team was a great example of that. We have a "sense of urgency" when things need to get done. We have a strong belief in ourselves, this is very important. We have confidence, as a people. When things get tough, we usually don't quit, we fight.

Where I live in Northern California its not nearly as bad, people really value health, beauty, peace of mind, good food, good rest, good vibes, etc.

I think we will correct ourselves in the coming decades. Or will we just continue to evolve into fat consumer slaves of the corporate media. To be honest, I don't even pay attention to it very much, We are only 350 million in a world of 7 billion. Our culture is re shaping itself. Just don't let your kids get caught up in the hype, only hang around like minded people, live "un-plugged". Move to California.

We have been through Culture Wars before. We have survived Civil War, Slavery, World Wars, Stock Market Crashes, etc. We are still a 1st world civilazation that has alot to offer the world. We just gotta get healthier physically and financially. That our challenge today.

If I sound optmistic its probably because I spend most of my free time relaxing and chasing girls.

That "Sting" lyric you mentioned was from "Spirits in a Material World" (The Police) Great Call.

Real proof of american societal decline - speakeasy - 07-18-2010

America has a culture just like any other country with it's own social norms, religion, beliefs, history, regional dishes, regional dialects, musical and artistic heritage, holidays and celebrations, etc etc. Why do people think Mexico for example has a culture but not the United States? I never understood that thinking. They will go down there and be like "woooow, Day of the Dead is such an amazing cultural event", yet don't see Halloween or Thanksgiving up here as being every bit as much of one. Why isn't going to a Texas rodeo as much a cultural experience as going to a bullfight or running of the bulls in Spain? Isn't the music of Miles Davis and Johnny Cash as much a cultural experience as the music of Pavarotti or Bob Marley?

We have a culture here just like any other place. We may have a strong consumerist element in our culture, but you know? Everybody else wants it too. Go to any poor country in Latin America and the elites pretty much live like Americans with their kids having a Nintendo Wii and the lastest smart phone so they can check their facebook at the movie theatre while watching Eclipse, and flying to Miami for a weekend of shopping.

Real proof of american societal decline - Whoremonger - 07-19-2010

How do you turn a fox into an elephant? You marry it

Women are having children later in life for one. Their bodies do not heal properly and they battle to lose the weight after pregnancy. Many refuse to cook which means their diet consists of a lot of quick to prepare fatty foods loaded with sugar and bad carbs. They drink like sailors and women these days hammer the drinks back. If you are out 2-3 times a week and you are constantly drinking alcohol its going to be tough to keep the weight off if you are inactive. Throw into the mix contraceptives which hammer their hormones too. Then its the current media frenzy telling them its ok to be chunky and men should love you for whats on the inside.

After they marry and have kids why bother being in shape? To fuck the hubby who is chained to them legally and emotionally anyway? They have his balls in a vice and if he cheats he is taken to the cleaners and loses all that is dear to him. There is no reason to look good for him, hence the tracksuit pants and beer gut. She gets half his paycheck and a choice to work or not while she sits on her fat arse watching oprah all day.

Its not the USA alone. Its all western cultures. Here in Australia a lot of women end up the same way, only to get angry when Aussie men end up with Asian women. Ever been to England? They were rejoicing in the streets when it was announced that English women have the biggest tits, yet they fail to admit that they are ugly fat tits and not the penis popping melons of lust you see on the eastern europeans.

The problem for all of us is that merely being in shape for women now automatically makes them hot. For them to be at a normal bodyweight makes them attractive. Which means you have what are actually 5's and 6's acting like 7's and 8's because they have options.

Real proof of american societal decline - Whoremonger - 07-19-2010

Quote: (07-18-2010 03:17 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

We have a culture here just like any other place. We may have a strong consumerist element in our culture, but you know? Everybody else wants it too. Go to any poor country in Latin America and the elites pretty much live like Americans with their kids having a Nintendo Wii and the lastest smart phone so they can check their facebook at the movie theatre while watching Eclipse, and flying to Miami for a weekend of shopping.

Nintendo is Japanese
The cell phones come from Europe or Asia

The US is a young country and its multicultural. Much like Australia or New Zealand the only real culture it has are the original people that inhabited it. The rest of the culture is a mesh of European and Asian influence. Same goes for the USA, which has worldwide influence. There is no culture. They are countries full of immigrants that have had their stamp on the place in some way.

No shame in it either IMO.

Real proof of american societal decline - Badstuber - 07-19-2010

Quote: (07-19-2010 07:49 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

How do you turn a fox into an elephant? You marry it

Women are having children later in life for one. Their bodies do not heal properly and they battle to lose the weight after pregnancy. Many refuse to cook which means their diet consists of a lot of quick to prepare fatty foods loaded with sugar and bad carbs. They drink like sailors and women these days hammer the drinks back. If you are out 2-3 times a week and you are constantly drinking alcohol its going to be tough to keep the weight off if you are inactive. Throw into the mix contraceptives which hammer their hormones too. Then its the current media frenzy telling them its ok to be chunky and men should love you for whats on the inside.

After they marry and have kids why bother being in shape? To fuck the hubby who is chained to them legally and emotionally anyway? They have his balls in a vice and if he cheats he is taken to the cleaners and loses all that is dear to him. There is no reason to look good for him, hence the tracksuit pants and beer gut. She gets half his paycheck and a choice to work or not while she sits on her fat arse watching oprah all day.

Its not the USA alone. Its all western cultures. Here in Australia a lot of women end up the same way, only to get angry when Aussie men end up with Asian women. Ever been to England? They were rejoicing in the streets when it was announced that English women have the biggest tits, yet they fail to admit that they are ugly fat tits and not the penis popping melons of lust you see on the eastern europeans.

The problem for all of us is that merely being in shape for women now automatically makes them hot. For them to be at a normal bodyweight makes them attractive. Which means you have what are actually 5's and 6's acting like 7's and 8's because they have options.

Conclusion: Do not marry.

Real proof of american societal decline - kindredspirit - 07-19-2010

I for one will NOT be getting married. In fact, my fondest wish is to become a wealthy tycoon and just be a polygamist extraordinaire.

Real proof of american societal decline - MiXX - 07-19-2010

Quote: (07-19-2010 07:56 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Nintendo is Japanese
The cell phones come from Europe or Asia

The coveted IPhone 4 is "assembled" in China, however it is not MADE in China. 80% of what the iphone offers, is in its software and firmware designed by American engineers in Cupertino - that is really what you pay for.

The iphone 4 has a supply chain of about a dozen vendors form Germany, Taiwan and Asia - but the $$$ is in its firmware. Indeed, when you buy an iphone - it is shipped from China, but its mainly because that is the cheap assembly plant where a Chinese workers earns 16USD per 12 hour day to put together all teh pieces of your Iphone 4. The money you pay for goes to Cupertino in the US - which has me question the real trade deficit.

More infor here:


Real proof of american societal decline - Whoremonger - 07-19-2010

so? its not an american thing bro. Its a piece of technology that is being used all over the world. Like a PC. Like a television. Claiming the mobile phone is a bit much I think

Real proof of american societal decline - IshGibbor - 07-19-2010

Roosh is the winner.

America's huge amount of diversity leads it in having no shared culture among the population in the country. I live in the confederate south and having experienced black fraternities/white fraternities, black bbq's/ white bbq's, the complaints of the black working class as well as whites there are two separate realities for two different groups of people based on the color line alone. That being said, if it is safe to assume Americans don't have the same experiences not having the same color, why then are we to assume they have the same culture just because they live in the same country (as segregated and racist as America is).

The Japanese in Japan have a shared culture. When there is a funeral virtually everyone in the country practices the way of expressing bereavement. America has no such tradition, no such shared legacy and this lack of culture is what breeds the obsession of hedonism and rampant materialism which acts as a substitute for what Americans "should be".

America once stood for freedom, individualism and the pursuit of happiness. Those values were held up as a measure to mean what it meant to be an American. Thanks to our abundance of wealth though those days are long gone, replaced with Hollywood Hills, The Kardashians and other examples of wealth and status worship. Fitzgerald wrote a book called The Great Gatsby written during the "Jazz Age" ( the time when America had its first taste of abundance of wealth) which discusses the decline of America as seen through the eyes of a narrator who witnesses a man who comes from poverty to obtain mass amounts of wealth but in the end is still confronted with the catastrophe of success.

Everyone should not live another day in America without reading that book.


Real proof of american societal decline - speakeasy - 07-19-2010

Quote: (07-19-2010 07:56 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Nintendo is Japanese
The cell phones come from Europe or Asia

The first cell phone was invented by Motorola. So it can be considered and American invention, as well as the regular telephone itself. I don't know where video games were invented, probably here too.


The US is a young country and its multicultural. Much like Australia or New Zealand the only real culture it has are the original people that inhabited it.

There's no such thing as a cultural vacuum. People tend to exoticize the notion of culture as being something different from what they are used to. If someone moved to America from Burma, they'd find a culture full of beliefs, customs, history, music, foods, etc just as strange and new to them as theirs would be to us. I think we also tend to define culture pretty narrowly. It's not just about food, music, celebrations, whatever. It's also the general behaviors. For example, there's a strong culture of freedom of speech in this country. Americans tend to believe that "even if I hate what you have to say, I defend your right to say it." That's a part of American culture(and no,I'm not saying we're the ONLY country that believes that, but we are a major one and it's a major part of who we are). Whereas in some countries it's part of their culture to suppress variety of ideas(like the middle east). And then there's also very subtle things that define culture that people don't even think much about, such as personal space. In some countries people get very close in your face when you talk, that's part of their cultural norm. The American cultural norm is to not get too close in the face of people you don't know. Two Brazilians may kiss each other on both cheeks when they greet as a cultural expression, but in America you'd be looked at strange for doing that. The lack of such an expression is as much a cultural trait as having it if you know what I mean.

Seriously, this America = no culture stuff has to stop. I don't know what else to say. I think America has one of the strongest cultures in the world and one that's been spread all over the world. It's because of American cultural influence that English is the language of international business and the most useful global second language to learn. But like I said, because of the widespread adoption of American cultural norms across the planet, we tend to view it as bland and not "exotic" enough, therefore we don't see it just like a fish doesn't see water.

Real proof of american societal decline - Whoremonger - 07-19-2010

Quote: (07-19-2010 01:27 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

The first cell phone was invented by Motorola. So it can be considered and American invention, as well as the regular telephone itself. I don't know where video games were invented, probably here too.

Who gives a shit where they were invented? So what, anyone who uses a mobile phone is now trying to emulate American culture? Give me a break man. The arrogance of that statement is dumbfounding.

How has Christianity influenced American culture and way of life? Where does that come from?


There's no such thing as a cultural vacuum. People tend to exoticize the notion of culture as being something different from what they are used to. If someone moved to America from Burma, they'd find a culture full of beliefs, customs, history, music, foods, etc just as strange and new to them as theirs would be to us. I think we also tend to define culture pretty narrowly. It's not just about food, music, celebrations, whatever. It's also the general behaviors. For example, there's a strong culture of freedom of speech in this country. Americans tend to believe that "even if I hate what you have to say, I defend your right to say it." That's a part of American culture(and no,I'm not saying we're the ONLY country that believes that, but we are a major one and it's a major part of who we are). Whereas in some countries it's part of their culture to suppress variety of ideas(like the middle east). And then there's also very subtle things that define culture that people don't even think much about, such as personal space. In some countries people get very close in your face when you talk, that's part of their cultural norm. The American cultural norm is to not get too close in the face of people you don't know. Two Brazilians may kiss each other on both cheeks when they greet as a cultural expression, but in America you'd be looked at strange for doing that. The lack of such an expression is as much a cultural trait as having it if you know what I mean.

Seriously, this America = no culture stuff has to stop. I don't know what else to say. I think America has one of the strongest cultures in the world and one that's been spread all over the world. It's because of American cultural influence that English is the language of international business and the most useful global second language to learn. But like I said, because of the widespread adoption of American cultural norms across the planet, we tend to view it as bland and not "exotic" enough, therefore we don't see it just like a fish doesn't see water.

There is no freedom of speech in America. Only politically correct speech. Free speech comes with shaming or potential jail time. You cannot be critical of race or gender. You cannot be critical of political systems openly. There is no true freedom of speech anywhere as you always have the "free speech as long as it does not infringe on anothers rights" to fall on. Hate speech is a crime isnt it?

English is the second largest language in the world because the British Empire was the largest in the world. America is the reason why English is the second most spoken language? Again, the arrogance of that statement is fuckin dumbfounding.

There are so many races and cultures in the US that there is no specific culture. Its a mix of worldwide cultures and influences. Very little in the USA is unique

Baseball? Bastardised version of cricket and rounders
Football? Bastardised version of rugby

Most Americans are either from European, African or Asian ancestry. Which means that the entire culture is an evolution or clash of those particular cultures. Its a young country with massive immigration from all over the world and its not going to have a unique culture for that reason.

There is no culture because their are so many people who identify with other cultures, many times not even knowing it. There are sub cultures which have way more power than anything America as a whole has produced. Unfortunately African American hip hop/ghetto thug shit is spreading like wildfire all over the show. The American rock scene is ingrained worldwide these days.

At the same time, Americans eat pizza and drink beer while they sit around a TV watching a bastard version of rugby wearing clothes probably designed in europe. There is also very little unity in the culture of people. Look at how different Italian Americans are to the Irish Americans, yet both have been in new york for how long?

Like I say, immigrant countries, YOUNG COUNTRIES, do not have much culture simply because they have not had time to develop one and the people come from so many different places.

And again I will say there is nothing wrong with that. Those countries tend to be the best places to live for that very reason

Real proof of american societal decline - Jim Kirk - 07-19-2010

To Roosh: Thanks for the comment about my voice - that's high praise coming from someone like you. Thanks for kicking me a bit of a soapbox with this post.

I went back to work so I can't hit everything I want to with this response - on the 'culture' question in the USA - and again I could write a book on this - there is no way to answer the question in a soundbite answer -

The bulk (65%) of the white population in the what would become the United States circa 1725 to 1825 were 'white slaves' or descendants of white slaves. If you were not of the 'planter' class or part of an exiled religious group such as the Puritans - you were a chattel slave. There was little in the way of African slavery up until after the American Revolution as white slavery was gradually abolished (but it 'turned' into horrendous child labor, etc.) Your American culture was 98% derived from various stains of English Protestantism and Dutch Lutheran traditions and based upon yeoman farmers who took 40 acre plots of land after serving as slaves for a planter family for 20 years. The land was on the frontier in places like Appalachia - thats why you get your famous indian fighters from that part of the country. No one else was here. A good movie to watch would be the 'Last of the Mohicans' with Daniel Day Lewis - the significance of a lot of what is discussed broefly in the movie ("my sense of it is we have enough to fill the county levee") is beyond 98% of the population -=

With the start of the Irish famine - you had the massive Catholic influx from Ireland which settled in Cities, in segregated neighborhoods. You also got a massive German Lutheran influx which went into the countryside but settled in ethnic neighborhoods. On my german side - my great great grandparents came into New York from Bavaria and opened a restaurant in a neighborhood in Manhattan that used to be called 'Kleine Deautschland.'

Then you started getting some Italians, Hungarians, etc. but everyone lived in their own part of town and went to their own churches. Every rustbelt city I've been in and poked around - Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, Rochester, Chicago, Albany, Erie, etc. - all have their ethnic neighborhoods organized around a church. They were American but actively Irish, Italian, German, whatever.

That was the real culture that supported Americans. This all ended with mandatory desegregation and the rise of the Federal Housing Authority, etc. Neighborhoods that lasted 120 years were gone in 10 years. You want to see the road to Berlin as it existed in 1946 - take a drive in East Buffalo. Yes I know there are other reasons - but when your kids are getting their asses kicked day in and day out - you leave the neighborhood - once in the suburbs, the culture was lost and people became more isolated which allowed corporate kulchur to take over. Like it or not, the industrial might of this country was more important that Alabama swampland and cotton fields. In the South, for better or worse, it was Bible beaters anyway.

This I believe, is where corporate kulchur gained such a foothold in this country. A cousin of my wife from Poland came out to visit the states and wanted to see something so my mother in law took her to Roosevelt Field mall. Marble flooring used to go into churches and public buildings and courthouses - now it goes into the Mall. This culture therefore I believe - has never recovered from this and never will without some conflagration. Although I would hold that in principle - Columbian or Brazilian culture is much lower on the richter scale than say, Germanic culture - right now the culture is stronger than the USA because it has not had the federal judiciary rip it apart. Part of me still thinks a Pablo Escobar is and would be less harmful than Judge Jumpen Jack Weinstein in Brooklyn - he wrecked Coney Island by Court order in the 1970's. That's another story.

Real proof of american societal decline - Jim Kirk - 07-19-2010

On the issue of pregnancy and a woman's body - 2 notes:

1. It is more harmful for the average woman not to have several children over her lifetime. Women who push out 4 kids and breast feed them all do not get breast cancer, for example. I'm sure there are exceptions, but the 800% rise in things like endometriosis and all these menstrual issues women seem to have - difficulty conceiving, early menopause, etc. cause cancer in and of themselves.

2. The 'damage' done to a woman's body by pregancy is permenant but not as bad as hyped. Yeah, the first time Mrs. Kirk gave birth there was as much blood on the floor as you would have with a guy taking a 9mm to the groin - but what the hell. The only thing I see repeatedly is that the distance from the point of the hip to the other hip is wider by about an inch - that does not shrink beyond that after birth no matter how much mileage and weight lifted. If you look at a lot of fitness competitors that have given birth, they ofter stand with the hands on their hips or with their fists clenched in front of the hips - this give the illusion of more of an hourglass figure -

Real proof of american societal decline - speakeasy - 07-20-2010

Quote: (07-19-2010 09:09 PM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Who gives a shit where they were invented? So what, anyone who uses a mobile phone is now trying to emulate American culture? Give me a break man. The arrogance of that statement is dumbfounding.

How has Christianity influenced American culture and way of life? Where does that come from?

A previous poster mentioned cellphones coming from Japan. I merely pointed out that cellphones, like cars or radios or TVs were not invented in Japan even though they may be the biggest exporters at the present.

How you twisted my statement into meaning anyone on a cellphone is emulating American culture is dumbfounding to me. Read the entire context of what I said. That even in 3rd world countries, the elite basically live American lifestyles. They often speak English as a second language, watch American movies, wear American clothing brands, their kids are going crazy of Twilight and New Moon, they shop at American style malls and all these other things we associate with American consumer culture. I've seen that from Thailand to Brazil.

I don't think I mentioned Christianity per se. But obviously Christianity is the dominant religion and the culture derives its moral norms from a Protestant legacy.

[quote]There is no freedom of speech in America. Only politically correct speech. Free speech comes with shaming or potential jail time. You cannot be critical of race or gender. You cannot be critical of political systems openly. There is no true freedom of speech anywhere as you always have the "free speech as long as it does not infringe on anothers rights" to fall on. Hate speech is a crime isnt it?

Wow, no freedom of speech in America. Okay there. Go live in Burma for awhile then come back with that. If you want to write a book, or give a speech about any topic you want, who exactly is going to stop you? Hate speech is not illegal in the United States, though I can't imagine why anyone in his right mind wants to go around giving hate speeches in the first place.


English is the second largest language in the world because the British Empire was the largest in the world. America is the reason why English is the second most spoken language? Again, the arrogance of that statement is fuckin dumbfounding.

England lost its imperial reach how many decades ago now? These days global English proficiency is driven by mass media and business because of America's global dominance and serving for so long as the world's only superpower.


There are so many races and cultures in the US that there is no specific culture. Its a mix of worldwide cultures and influences. Very little in the USA is unique

One could say the same of India or Brazil. There are lots of different regional variations in culture with different influences and ethnic groups that make up the fabric of the country. It's no different here.


Baseball? Bastardised version of cricket and rounders
Football? Bastardised version of rugby

Everything is derivative of something else.


Most Americans are either from European, African or Asian ancestry. Which means that the entire culture is an evolution or clash of those particular cultures. Its a young country with massive immigration from all over the world and its not going to have a unique culture for that reason.

America is about 5% Asian, so it's not like Asia cultures are driving influence. America's culture is part of the Anglosphere culturally it's a cousin of Britain, Canada, Australia and NZ. These countries all share pretty similar standards of living, customs and ways of life. There may be people of African descent in the America, but by and large, they don't practice African culture and haven't since before slavery. They don't speak an African language, they aren't practicing African religion like belief in Orishas, they don't identify with any tribe or clan in W. Africa, don't walk around with African garb, or celebrate any customs or holidays from Africa. Other than in some elements of music and dancing, African culture plays pretty much no role in America, not even for those of African descent.


There is no culture because their are so many people who identify with other cultures, many times not even knowing it. There are sub cultures which have way more power than anything America as a whole has produced. Unfortunately African American hip hop/ghetto thug shit is spreading like wildfire all over the show. The American rock scene is ingrained worldwide these days.

Hiphop is an American invention. Created on the streets of NY. It has nothing to do with Africa, really. There's no tradition of rapping in Africa.


Like I say, immigrant countries, YOUNG COUNTRIES, do not have much culture simply because they have not had time to develop one and the people come from so many different places.

I can't speak much on behalf of other young countries. I'm just saying that there is all kinds of cultural stuff that has come out of here that is unique to here and created here.

Real proof of american societal decline - kindredspirit - 07-20-2010

To get back to the original point of American women being fat elephants with delusions of overrated self-worth, this is also prevalent in other Anglosphere countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.

In other words, I have little to zero desire to ever live in any of the Anglosphere countries ever again.

Taking everything else away, that about clinches it for me.

Real proof of american societal decline - Badstuber - 07-20-2010

dont you dare make fun of my medical situation

Real proof of american societal decline - kingkong - 07-20-2010

American culture is quintessentially of British extraction, with a Germanic influence. This is a quantifiable thing; people who compare cultures have metrics. Contrary to what you might have heard, the US gene pool is still mostly British and German.

Read "Albion's Seed" and "The Nine Nations of North America".

Real proof of american societal decline - speakeasy - 07-20-2010

Quote: (07-20-2010 09:05 PM)kingkong Wrote:  

American culture is quintessentially of British extraction, with a Germanic influence. This is a quantifiable thing; people who compare cultures have metrics.

Hey, just curious, where can I find out more about metrics for measuring cultural differences? That topic fascinates me.