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Interesting view on travel in India

Interesting view on travel in India

I went to India a year ago. His blogpost is a pretty accurate description of India, but maybe a little more dramatic than I saw it. I've been to a lot of third would countries and it didn't bother me as much as it did him. Also he was only there 3 weeks and used a private car and flew between cities. I used mass transit and traveled by buses and trains. This guy would have never made it on a longer closer to the ground trip like I did.

The historical sites are some of the greatest in the world, but you can also learn to hate the place too. I got sick and didn't eat anything for 5 days, and took 4 kinds of medicines to get rid of it, but at least lived to tell. Overall, I want to go back to see all the sites and towns, I didn't see the first time and go to Nepal. I didn't spend nearly enough time on the Hippie/spiritual trail where girls are looking to find themselves and get stoned. I think it is my job to help them get enlightenment!

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