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No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-02-2012 08:58 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

How long did it take you to gain 40 lbs?

This is a bit tough to say, I'd say roughly 3 years. In reality with a shit ton of free time and serious commitment you can do this much faster from my buddies sounds like 6-8 lbs a month is doable if a beginner maybe 4-6 for intermediate 2-4 for advanced in which case i would jsut move to month 3 immediately (beginner gains, etc. you all know the drill). As I mentioned before I have given this out to a few guys who asked me for advice so i felt i may as well give it out since i was asked multiple times. My progress is all kinds of fucked for multiple reasons

1. Didn't get into this final set routine until after years of tweaking and hard work
2. My work schedule is clown shoes so consistency can be a problem
3. I used to bike a lot, and I mean a lot and competitively (biking for 1.5-2 hours a day, 3 hours on long days) before finally deciding to quit and just get built because i was finally done with competitive biking (I define competitive as trying to earn side money doing your sport)

Finally to address the cardio part which people seem to have the biggest beef with. Fitness is 60% diet IMHO. I'd take a good diet any day of the week.

So if anyone gives this a try feel free to PM or post questions about progress on here i'll help out. I've seen many other issues arise such as acne, lower ab fat etc. This post is only really relevant to skinny dudes though, if you're naturally built you'll get fat eating chili, rebuilt mass etc.

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