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No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (06-30-2012 10:27 PM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Nice share westcoast.

Although taking a look at your training program it goes against what a lot of what I have read about training for Ectomorphs. First of all working out 6 times a week, that's double what is commonly recommended.

Also you seem to be doing a lot of cardio, I would have thought 10 minutes per workout is enough?.

You also don't seem to be eating very much, what are your stats?, I can only imagine you are quite short to be eating that little food. I would starve consuming so little. My typical daily diet is:

Breakfast: Big bowl of oats, three boiled eggs, two slice of brown toast.
Mid Morning: Sandwich, Banana
Lunch: Rice, two grilled pork chops, vegetables
Mid afternoon: Sandwich, Apple
Dinner: Pasta with chicken,sauce and vegetables.
Before bed: 1 tub Cottage cheese


I don't do that typical because usually people just aren't pushing hard enough.

Your diet excludes rebuilt mass. That thig is 850 calories a pop (1 serving). If you want to go super natty, all regular store bought what you are doing is fine. I gave the above to my friend he gained 6 lbs in 3 weeks. You have to max out. When I say 10 reps I don't me 10 reps and you feel like it was easy. You depth at last 1-2 with a spotter. You repeat over and over forcing muscle memory.

I agree the routine is definitely intense, that's why the title is no excuses.

I was ~5'10" 115 lbs. no joke. That photo is me 5'10 160.

I strongly suggest hog calorie protein post workout so you get both the muscle and the calories. So not sure if I am short?

With the stats.

I bench 245, shoulders 80 each arm dumbbells, deadlift 300, curl 65 each arm, tricep pull downs 130

In terms of 20 mins jog, this is because you burn fat post 20minutes. I am not into the big ass dude look I like the fight club look. But to each his own.

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