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What would you do if you were rich?

What would you do if you were rich?

The real issue here is fitting in at work while assimilating into the elitist life that is forced upon you by your peers. In a real good career here is what really happens:

Start: make around $90-100K. Realize you have 0 time to cook/go out besides weekend getting trapped into saving just a tad (net expenses must be in the 80-85% take home range)
3-5 years later: $150K+. Now you "need a car and a nice apartment" etc. superiors pressure you to settle down before "all the good girls are gone"
5+: stuck at $200K level or moving up rapidly. If you are moving up rapidly be sure you're still getting murdered at work, if not you are likely locked down by now.

The reason why I outlined a 35K annual is because if you survive a good career till low 30's before game gets more difficult (call it 35+), you can likely save maybe $250K liquid which is not bad at all. This can earn you 15-20K and you can easily earn a grand a month anywhere else in the world doing some sort of teaching gig. Long-term game is very difficult and wont be executed very well by many because they'll either set themselves up for a shit show when they are old, get into debt due to the rat race (MBA/othercrap), get married and divorced, raise their lifestyle too high and the list of traps goes on.

So what you really need to do, at least this has been my formula, is the following:

Get a place to live alone, studio
Go out 2 times a week to keep sanity with girls in America
Plan a trip at least twice a year to see a different location
Never go out to dinner on weekends
Workout at the gym on weekdays
All extra cash is just leverage because you never change your lifestyle
Watch your friends get sucked into rat race/drop off and counter this by continually looking for new friends in the same "lifestyle bucket"

Anyway with all that said, you still need to upgrade your wardrobe to fit in more over time at work, but at least that helps you slay as well. Then simply lie at work and tell everyone "oh yeah I just moved into a new spot, yeah sure lookin to settle and yeah I agree I need to find a 'good girl' before I hit the dreaded age of thirty"

This is all part of the traps set out for you, hopefully we'll see more people execute on the plan but it's by no means easy.

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