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Top 10 activities to master for life & game purposes

Top 10 activities to master for life & game purposes

Quote: (06-25-2012 12:46 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  


Point I am making is that the activities you choose need to be chosen for everything but pussy. You need to enjoy them, not do it because its going to get you laid. The guys who go to gym just so that they look good for women never last, the guys who go for more reasons than that alone never leave.

Do something because you enjoy it. Your hobbies need to be things you do outside women, not for them

Agree 200%, Also the OP list sounds like more self validation of a list of shit to do impress chicks, juggling wtf?

Pick one YOU are passionate about and dive in, women will be attracted to that. Most people can spot a poser have you ever hung around sufers and surfer chicks they live for that shit, they study wave reports daily, their whole lives revolve around surfing from where they live, to type of car they drive to even the people they date every thing is based on surfing. Same applies to scuba, sailing except juggling which who gives a shit, I am not a clown.

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