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Top 10 activities to master for life & game purposes

Top 10 activities to master for life & game purposes


I still need to pic up this skill but I admire it because it teaches you immense patience and strategy which helps in game and all other facets of life.

The masters of the masters player and dominate chess.


I am slowly getting into this and I can see now why it lures so many men to play it. Its a game that you get lost in but still requires immense skill to master while still being brutally competitive. With a team or simply just challenging yourself or the course.

Challenging your self to get better with each shot. But still instilling discipline to take time to improve your game. You have to put in the hours to be come a good player there is no way around it. This is true for any task to be a master at it you have to put in the time and challenge yourself accordingly.


Is one also which gives quick gratification that men need but also providing long term goals to reach and develop.

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