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Pursuing personal goals while on the clock

Pursuing personal goals while on the clock

Quote: (06-24-2012 02:03 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Today's corporate "office" model is the most inefficient, idiotic way to organize labor ever invented. It allows the owner to surveil the workers, but it's supremely wasteful of man-hours. The government's no exception.

Exactly. With insane advances in technology, how can today's government workers possibly need the same amount of time to complete their tasks as they did thirty years ago? Work expectations should be based around completing tasks and producing outputs, not what you put on a time sheet. I am a strong proponent of teleworking because it makes everyone happy: it gives honest employees more incentive to get the work done that they are responsible for and get on with their lives. Unfortunately, there are alot of scumbags out there who ruin it for everyone. What else is new?

HiFlo - I am FAR from being the one calling the shots in my office, department, or agency. Like I said, I am fulfilling all of the requirements of my job description and then some. You are getting your money's worth. Why should I be punished for doing my work quickly and efficiently?

Thanks for the advice everyone. I guess this topic isn't as deep as I originally thought.

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