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Syria shoots down Turkish jet -- War in the making?

Syria shoots down Turkish jet -- War in the making?

Turkey is easily the weakest state geo-politcally in the region and Its being used as a fallguy to coax Syria into a larger war with NATO.

Why was the airship in Syrian airspace? Would Washington be justified to shoot down a Canadian fighter jet that infringes D.C. airspace over the potomac? Of course.

Syria has the right just like any other nation to protect its sovereign airspace.

Turkey is playing with fire as they protect Islamic rebels while trying to be an appeaser the west and NATO. You can't play both sides like this and not expect it to end in a mess.

If the can of worms in Syria is let out Turkey will get the worst of it.

Quote: (06-22-2012 10:14 PM)bigxxx Wrote:  

would love to see asaad's head on a platter.
For any haters on Assad I just ask this question because if you viewed both sides of this conflict you would make the obvious decision also:

Currently there is a drug war in Mexico between rival gangs and the Govt. Many have been killed even Americans. Now lets flip this for a second and imagine these drug lords are fighting in Texas and being armed by Mexican and Central American forces. The Texas national guard and USA army come in to protect its sovereignty against these fighters. Deaths happen on both sides.

Whom is right?

Is Assad wrong for protecting his nations sovereignty? Would you not expect your nation to do the same faced with foreign armed opposition?

Is Assad a saint? far from it. But neither is Bush, Obama, Clinton, Harper, Cameron, or Blair - all have blood on their hands. But you can't hate on somebody (presuming you know all the facts on the ground) from protecting his nation from outside forces, this is step 1 in Sovereignty. If you can not protect your borders or internal security you are not a functioning state. Period. Fuck democracy, and institutions, upholding the rule of law and stability is step 1 - all else follows that. You have Assad whom has put a new constitution to vote with a majority of its people supporting it (51.4%) and is giving in to internal pressures for more transparency whiten his government. Yet he is villafied while nobody takes his word or the SYRIAN PEOPLES words as truth. You have outsiders trying to dictate how a nation is to be protected and run. Fuck that. Why doesn't Hillary Clinton ask the people of Syria what they want? Not a bunch of rag tags mercs whom are paid with hookers and gold from the pits of whom knows where.

FSA is armed & funded by the West and Qatar [C.I.A aiding in steering arms to Syrian rebels] and are made up largely of Al-Qaeda defectors shipped in from the mess in Libya. You have former blood thirsty lunatics like Abdulhakim Belhadj whom killed American Solders in cold blood in Afghanistan, former leader of the Libyan rebels, now in Jordan helping to call the shots with the FSA. These goons don't even speak the same style of Arabic as Syrians yet are painted as "freedom fighters" for their nation. Garbage.

Look at both sides before you make broad judgments. If you we're in Assads shoes you would be doing the same.

*CNN Syria propaganda:

*Al Jazerra reporter resigns over "biased" Syria coverage

* BBC lies over Syria Masacare:

Much has been written about the barbarous massacre in the Syrian administrative area of Al-Houla on 25 May 2012, in which 108 persons are known to have died including 49 children. Absent a definitive report from the UN observer mission we are left with media and cyber speculation, much of which does not stand scrutiny.

The BBC is arguably the worst offender, having published a photograph submitted by an anonymous source which it was claimed depicted the bodies from the massacre. The photograph was in fact taken by Marco Di Lauro in Iraq in 2003. [1] The BBC claims to have followed its checking process on the photograph which yielded some information pointing to its veracity. This is simply not tenable. The bodies are all numbered and in the bottom of the picture can be seen consecutive numbering in Arab numerals from 382 to 386. The death toll at Houla was only 108, so that anyone with a limited knowledge of Arabic and a remote understanding of the story would be able to appreciate that there is something wrong with the claim made for this picture. Journalist Keith Harmon Snow rebuts any suggestion that the misinformation happened by accident:
[Image: BBC-on-Syria-600-pix2.jpg]

In apologizing for this monumental ‘error’ Chris Hamilton wrote on the BBC Editor’s blog that “such mistakes are very rare”. [3] But even this claim was refuted only two days later when gross negligence gave way to farce and BBC News, intending to post the logo of the UN Security Council as background filler, filmed instead a logo of the fictional UN Space Command that originated in a commercial video game set in the 22nd century. [4]

Much of the mainstream media favoured the BBC’s slant. Nine days after the massacre a report in the Telegraph claimed that the crime had been perpetuated by the “pro-Assad thugs” of the Shabiha who had “slit the throats of anyone they came across”. The report written in London and Beirut said that a survivor identified the Shabiha because they were wearing white trainers. [5] Two points in this story later discredited the fabrication. White trainers of course are standard youth culture the world over, and video footage published on 10 June by the Telegraph itself, shows they are widely used by Syrian rebels. [6] The throat slitting is now generally rejected as an embellishment to the story and the allegation was refuted later in the week by Mary Dejevsky in the Independent and Jon Williams on the BBC blog. (Dejevsky said the victims had been killed when gunmen sprayed indiscriminately into homes, [7] while Williams said that Western officials had refuted the story to him while in Damascus. [8]) The calumny appears to have been started by Hervé Ladsous, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, who according to Reuters, on 29 May accused the Shabihas of killing “the victims from knife wounds”. [9] On 8 June Reuters’ correspondent Erika Solomon again reported him saying that government troops or militia were probably responsible,[10] despite the fact that UN observers under his authority have still not been able to ascertain the truth.


[2] Russia Today, 29 May 2012; Slaughter Slant: Houla massacre sparks media blame-game; 4:04minutes
[3] Chris Hamilton, 29 May 2012; Houla massacre picture mistake; BBC News The Editors
[4] Top Telly Fan, 2 June 2012; BBC News FAIL - claims Halo logo is for United Nations Security Command (Newswatch, 1.6.12);
[5] Harriet Alexander, and Ruth Sherlock, 2 June 2012; The Shabiha: Inside Assad's death squads; The Telegraph, London;
[6] Anon, 10 June 2012; The Telegraph, London;
[7] Mary Dejevsky, 8 June 2012; The Euro crisis will look like a walk in the park if Syria explodes; The Independent, London;
[8] Jon Williams, 7 June 2012; Reporting conflict in Syria; BBC News The Editors;
[9] Anon, 29 May 2012; West expels envoys over massacre of Syrian children; REUTERS AFRICA;
[10] Erika Solomon, 8 June 2012; Smell of death lingers at Syrian massacre village; REUTERS;

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