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Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Kitsune had some very good points. If I would venture in this area (broadly something like travel/leisure/dating) I would look at the marriage agencies/tours and the PUA industry. Both businesses are based on the same basic idea - selling the average chodes a service that (as they believe) would transform him, or at least make him feel like a G, if only for a moment. The marriage tours must be profitable as fuck, I mean $5000 for 2 weeks in Ukraine???

I was thinking about a business that would combine some aspects of the above with adventure travel. Something like a "every man's dream" tour. Destinations - best would be South America or South East Asia, mostly due to cost, landscape and lots of cute, somewhat "easy" girls. Days would be filled with extreme adventures - rafting, rappelling, zip-lining, parasailing, etc. Nights would be spent in the best local night spots, possibly combined with light PUA training, which could be nothing more than simply making the guys to actually approach. Another good night activity would be the marriage-tour style introduction night. Whenever possible you would hire local girls as employees, this should be relatively cheap in most destinations. Part of the girl's job description would be making the guys feel like they have a shot with them (since they would most likely be semi-pros anyway, they would actually have a very good shot). You get the idea, basically selling the "best time of you life". Your target group would be frustrated professionals, probably from late 20s up to late 40s or so. It would be priced with a generous, but fair margin. Would be definitely priced higher than your average resort vacation, but would be 100x more exciting. If you pull it off right you wouldn't have problems getting more customers, word of mouth and repeat customers would give you as much business as you could handle. Basically something like introducing average Joes to the RVF lifestyle in one easy, supercharged, accessible package.

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