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Girl uses a Roosh opener on me!

Girl uses a Roosh opener on me!

I'm a little drunk so pardon the incoherence if any.

So I'm at my regular venue and immediately there's a highly fuckable girl, i'd give her a 7, giving me solid eye contact. After 30 min of chatting up the bartenders a seat opens up next to her friend. I try waiting for an opportunity to open them, but her friend completely has her back to me and is heavier and literally blocking our view to each other. Finally she shifts and make some more solid eye contact and I'm about to say something when she blurts out, "You are just soooo entertained right now." The first thing I think of is, "You girls look like you're having the most fun right now." Classic Roosh opener, and she beat me to it.

Truth be told, I had a long day at work, and I said so. She starts asking me typical work questions, I try keeping things open ended and not giving her too much info.

These girls were awful. I couldn't get 2 sentences in without them jumping on their iPhones. I called them out on it too and they laughed and admitting their addiction. I rolled my eyes and went back to talking to the bartenders several times. They were incredibly weird...opening me back up and starting more interactions with me, but then cutting me off to check their phones or whisper shit to each other. I was losing patience inside. Still, the eye contact with the cuter girl was strong and I could tell she was into me. Once I finally revealed what I did for a living, they were INSISTENT that I get them into the private restaurant where I work, that i get them VIP service, that I give them the world. I basically said that's reserved for people that are close to me and I might need something in return. They were negging the SHIT out of me, riding my ass for hookups, but when I teased back they sent out a shitty, bitchy vibe.

Once the fatter friend went to the bathroom I progressed things with the cutie. Second time she went to the bathroom I decided I'd had enough and told cutie I was leaving and asked if she'd like to walk me out. She does, we make out, she's an awful kisser, got the number and there's no way I'm calling her or hooking her up with shit.

What a fucking awful experience. The thing I like about having a quality LTR is it prevents me from going for the bang out of desperation. I've got a girl that's a hot fuck, treats me right, and keeps me from doing stupid shit to get new lays. These days, it better be worth it. Not worth cheating. But just worth my time and effort. I've had recent bangs that were easygoing, cool, and cute as a button. When I come across bitches like tonight, it troubles me to think what ends some men must have to go to to get laid by these high maintenance, fucking annoying pieces of shit.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



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