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Being a "Black Knight"

Being a "Black Knight"

I recently came a cross an interesting scenario...

I was walking to class one day. I came upon a group of very, very ghetto black people, the kind The Boondocks makes fun of and my own black friends call hood rats and trash. There was a guy and a couple of chicks. The guy was about 6'5" and fit, and the chicks were in the 5'6" range with lots of excessive soft tissues.

One of the chicks was arguing with the guy. She was talking to him like she was telling him what was up. He was yelling back at her trying to get her in line. She had a big soft drink cup from the cafeteria in her hand. She turns away saying something like "fuck this shit". The guy grabs the chick by the arm (not the one she is holding the drink with) and yells "bitch..." Her response is to scream "FUCK YOU N****!" and throw the whole cup in his face, which explodes all over his "clothes." He grabs her by the hair, puts her on the ground, and starts yelling at her and smacking her around a little bit. He went "pimp named slick back teaching chris brown the right way to smack hoes" on the chick.

So at this point a small crowd was gathering around them. People are yelling about how someone needs to call the police, somebody do something, etc. I didn't change my pace or direction at all. I walked within about 20 feet of the shit show.

Now, it's obvious what a white knight would have done. Call the cops, possibly try to intervene (possibly at the expense of his own safety and health).

What I did: with the scene behind me, another bystander that was approaching made eye contact with me. His shocked/disappointed expression was as if to say "WTF, you're an able bodied guy, why do you do something."

I spoke up without Changing my pace, and with an approving smirk "that gentleman has interesting employee management techniques." I continued on my way, and not one single fuck was given.

Anybody else ever have a situation where there was a damsel in distress, and you reacted like the opposite of white knight?

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