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When did Roissy/Heartiste become a haven for race-obsessed white nationalists?

When did Roissy/Heartiste become a haven for race-obsessed white nationalists?

Quote: (06-04-2012 01:28 PM)ATTA Wrote:  

The idea that race is social construct definitely is a pretty lie. Lulz

I think it's most complex than that. In some ways, race is a sociological concept. For example, why is it that Seal and Vanessa Williams are both considered "black" even though they look nothing alike and have entirely different genetic packages? By law, going back to the one drop rule, if you were even 1/16th black you were considered black. Which means that you had people who looked indistinguishable from white people were considered "blacks" just because they had a drop of African blood. So in that sense, race has always been a sociological construct for African-Americans where people of a widely varying concentration of African blood were thrown into the same racial construct.

Another example -- In Russia, they consider anyone "black" if they aren't pure Slavic Russian. So even people that would be considered white in the U.S. such as Armenians are called "blacks" in Russia. And they are lumped together with people from all the Caucasus region and the -istan countries.

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