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When did Roissy/Heartiste become a haven for race-obsessed white nationalists?

When did Roissy/Heartiste become a haven for race-obsessed white nationalists?

Quote: (06-04-2012 01:41 PM)j r Wrote:  

Here's the other thing. Roissy's blog always got a strange mix of players and frustrated betas. The players tend not to care too much about race, but for the frustrated betas it becomes just another way that society has failed them.

Exactly. A lot of racism when you scratch the surface is about sexual competition. It's no coincidence that a lot of white males on Roissy's blog feel most threatened by black males having sex with white females. It's always been that way, going back even to slavery. Always an underlying paranoia about black male sexuality. I'm guessing that they just see black men as serious sexual competition. Whereas say a Chinese or Indian guy is not, so you never see them getting riled up about those groups the way they do about black guys. Thus they resort to shaming tactics of white women who sleep with black men that they would never apply to say, a white girl that had an Asian boyfriend in the past.

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