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La Crosse, Wisconsin Data Sheet

La Crosse, Wisconsin Data Sheet

Now that I'm back home on the old Cook family ranch for the rest of my summer. I thought I'd drop a little data sheet on La Crosse Wisconsin (which is like an hour from my house, so I go there a lot).

La Crosse isn't really a place I'd be flying in to go see, or anything. But if you live in the Midwest, it's a pretty fun college town to party in. Seriously, (while I only stay up there between Thursday-Sunday morning) there's a mountain of clubs, bars, house parties, and after parties. In fact La Crosse used to have a world record for most bars/clubs.

Things to do: La Crosse is located on the Mississippi River and Lake Onalaska, so if you like boating or hanging out at the beach it's pretty fun. Also I think you can rent like boats and canoes and shit, but my friend has his own boat, so we just use that. Also they have some nature trails and things like that (I like to go hiking, so that kind of appeals to me). Also you can take a tour of the local brewery (I haven't done that yet since I'm under 21) so if your one of the beer tourist types that's always an option. But one of the main attractions is definitely the nightlife (we'll get there in a moment).

Day/Night Game:

Day game: Valley View Mall is a good spot to walk around and meet women.

Night Game: As previously mentioned I'm not yet 21, so I can't give you some super detailed run down of all the best bars/clubs and whatnot, but I can tell you what I've experienced. The main downtown stretch has a ton of clubs and bars, and they're always packed and (at least the ones I got into) were a lot of fun. Also I've gone to quite a few house parties and things like that and it's always a good time. Also the people here are all pretty friendly so getting invited to shit isn't very hard to do.

Event's and Festivals:

River Fest: I actually don't remember much about what happened here (that's what happens when you over pregame), but they had like an airshow and dance. When I was there it was a lot of fun and we ended up going to a bunch of house parties.

Oktoberfest: I was only here for one night, and I ended up just going to a house party, since they were Iding everyone who was at the event. From what I here it's really cool though (and it's obviously a huge drinking fest).

Girls: There are a lot of hot girls up here (if you like Midwestern chicks), also they're all pretty damn friendly and cool (always a nice bonus). While I started going up here before learning game (and before I learned game I was a super low Beta), I still found them really easy to open and to be conversational (I'll be heading up in like two weeks so I'll give you the actual game report, but I think it'll be really positive).

Anyway that's my breakdown of La Crosse. It's not the greatest place on Earth, but as far as college towns go you could do way worse (see basically all the colleges in my home state of Iowa). Also there's always a ton of partying and I have a lot of found memories of chilling on the river during summer time.

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