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Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Last night was an epic strikeout. Went to an event, and some of the locals thought I was the main event. Not kidding. There is a bit of a shock factor, and it is taking the talent a bit of time to warm up. The place had models, so I saw the top tier talent the country has to offer.

Brazilian Opener:

I start talking to a chica and ask where she's from. She looks at me funny and says "here". I look confused and shrug my shoulders. Then she asks why I asked, and I tell her she looks Brazilian. That one goes far.

But then, any small compliment works here.

After the event I taxied back to a casino, and opened a chick in a set of 3. They were local 8's. Unfortunately, she was the wrong one to hack at, as the other 2 were more interested. Dammit.

I can't stress how much status has to do with the big picture. More to follow. Going to a dance club tonight to try pure night game. So far I'm not in the right venues, and trying for the hotter girls, which is taking more time. Sorry to disappoint gents. I'm working on it.

If I was content on settling for 6-7's my notch count would be pretty decent now.

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