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Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Personally I go with the lean look, although girls prefer the bigger look. Ideal goal would be like Bruce Lee:
[Image: tumblr_l3g6fioC6t1qzzn5ho1_500.jpg]

I'm about 6'7". fluctuate between 190 and 200, and am naturally very weak (and have the body type that has a hard time gaining upper body strength). What I go for is: I want to be healthy, I want to be able to man handle the girl, i.e. I pick her up no problem, it has to be workout that I am willing to do every day/week for the rest of my life, be able to dunk, and I would prefer for it to take no more then fifteen to twenty minutes, but definitely less then an hour. Currently I do sets of abs, push ups, and pull ups and tai chi. The abs consist of a 2 and a half minute circuit done twice and then russian twists or planks. Push ups are 5-6 sets of 10 slowly, with 1 set on finger tips, one set diamond, 3 focusing on different breathing and on knuckles and one set wide. Pull ups are 3x max which usually starts at 3-4 and ends up at 1-2. I know, I know, tai chi is exercise for old Asian women, but I like it. It isn't much but it accomplishes my goals. If anyone has any exercises I can add in at home, I'd like to give them a try.

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