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European Summer 2012

European Summer 2012

I will be in Eastern Europe this June, July, August.

The tentative plan is to fly into Belgrade mid June (for a 1st look - never been there), then overland either through Romania or Hungary towards Ukraine.

I'm considering a stop over in Chisinau, Moldova. I transited through Chisinau (3 hours) last year, but after reading some stuff on here, thinking I should take a closer look this time.

My main focus will be Ukraine and Russia. Wanting to spend some time in Eastern Ukraine, then Volgograd and/or Samara in Russia, then Moscow and St Peterburg.

Last stop, Lithuania.

The trick is to fit it all in while spending long enough in some places for effective game. So many possibilities, so little time.

Last year I did Istanbul > Sunny Beach > Varna > Bucharest > Chisinau > Odessa > Kiev > Lviv > Krakow > Gdansk > Vilniaus > Riga > Talinn > Helsinki, all in 2 months.
This year the plan is to try and spend longer time in less places.

It will be good to meet up with any guys who are in the same towns.
Last month I met Cr33pin in Davao and several of the guys at the meet up in Bangkok.

Any suggestions, based on personal experience, re good short stay apartments in Ukraine and Russian cities will be much appreciated.

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