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Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-13-2012 04:36 PM)Rosca Wrote:  

One last question: I am skeptical about the use of the weight-training after reading Convict Conditioning. Basically Wade had stated that using weights and such can cause pain in joints and in the back. My only question about this is, how can I do such training without killing myself in the long term?

Thanks for the advice though, I honestly appreciate it. So far I've been going off my dad's card game that he did while serving time. Where you'd take a deck of cards and then when you pull out a card, you do that certain number of push-ups (A king = 13 push-ups, a ace = 1 push-up). It's very challenging, but I am going to get this deck completed sooner or later

And basically my motto for the summer is that I gotta get ripped or die trying [Image: smile.gif]

Lifting weights with incorrect form can lead to injury. Which is why you must lift with correct form. read or buy yourself a copy of Starting Strength. Either resource has all of the information you need to get started and breaks down the technique for each lift extremely well.

People who claim that lifting with weights is dangerous are either ill informed, or trying to sell a product. Many times they are both. Doing body weight conditioning without proper form can lead to injury as well.

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