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Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-12-2012 12:06 PM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

I'm considering studying abroad in Tôkyô, Kyôto, or Ôsaka in 2013/14, and there are several questions I have regarding the women there...

3.) General questions...

Is there anything particular that one should know when approaching and escalating with J-girls. I have a lot of experience dating and hooking up with Chinese girls [I speak fairly good Mandarin], so I'd like to know if there's any comparisson that can be drawn here. [P.S. for additional info: my Japanese is still at a beginner's level].

thanks in advance...

I can’t really answer most of your questions because I was there for only a few days but have some insights on approaching and escalating. Just some background, I speak no Japanese other than saying do you speak English. I tried no day game just clubs. I also dressed well when I went out either suited up or in a blazer. I generally am not into Asian women especially ones not Americanized and I had very low expectations, but once I got there is something about Japanese girls that got me going. I think it’s just the way they carry themselves differently then let’s say Thai girls in which I felt like everyone was a prostitute.

In terms of your beginners Japanese, I think you should approach in English and then surprise them with your basic Japanese. One of the guys I was with spoke moderate Japanese and still approached in English and then started whispering stuff in their ear in Japanese. They seemed to love it. Most everyone at the clubs spoke some English.

I think the key is finding a place without a lot of other foreigners. First bar or 2 I went to there were 15%-20% foreigners my success level was not very high. Had my best success at a club that was about 95% Japanese.

My approach there was very direct, consisting mostly of just grabbing a girls hand on the dance floor or while walking by. Japanese men are the most unaggressive men in the world that I have seen and J girls aren’t use to this behavior . Even if a guy is dancing with a girl you can go up and grab the girl and they will just back away. I did this a few times and then started feeling bad for the J dudes and started doing the opposite and pushing a random girl / guy together (Someone has to solve their demographic crisis)

One night there I made out with 7 different girls, most of the time within 2 minutes of meeting them. I think it’s some sort of cultural thing but they seem to have a very hard time saying no. Though it’s fun, I don’t think it’s a good strategy if you want to take them home because they don’t seem to take you seriously afterwards. They just start giggling and want to take pictures with you almost as if they can’t believe that just happened to them.

One weird thing is they have female only sections at the clubs, which is where the real stunners seem to sit. Most of the time there was some security telling us to move along when we tried to talk to them so had no success with the top quality/model looking girls. I don’t understand why that section was necessary because it seemed like very few guys were creeping besides my group.

On my last night there talked some girl to come back to the hotel, had to convince her for like 30 minutes before she finally agreed. At this point I hadn’t even kissed her yet…which was a stark difference from most of my encounters before this. But the last half of the conversation was very sexual. She put up some last minute resistance getting into the cab and I just grabbed her and was like lets go, stop fooling around. The more dominant you act the easier it is, again I think because they are not used to this type of behavior from typical Japanese guys. Another interesting note is that she wanted me to take the condom off…almost begging me….could have directly solved the demographic crises but was a bit put off by her insistence.

Other side notes:

Japan is very expensive probably spent about $900 in 3 days there.
Food is amazing there. Even food from fast food type places.

Can’t wait to go back, easily one of the most fun trips of my life.

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