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Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-13-2012 01:02 PM)elabayarde Wrote:  

I second this!!! That is absolute B.S. It is in there culture to want to be seen talking english to a foreigner. The Jap.'s who come to the states and speak good english are normally rich business men. So it makes them upper class to be seen speaking to you. What that comment says is absolutely NON-SENSE. I cant even believe someone would write this.... O my qualification, I was there in Nov for a few weeks. They wont attack you in day-game, because they are shy culturally. But, you can easily open them up, and they will blush and smile like u would never imagine. Its weird because they hold it back at first, and then burst out,...kinda in a laugh. I got that three times. I though i was bothering the first by talking to her, based on body language. But, also its cultural for them to resist staring as much as possible, unlike latin america and some other places. Ask them to come to your hotel or place to drink a couple beers, and watch a movie. Its so ridiculous, I actual had to be walked through this by my friend who lives there. O yeah, I did get my flag. But, you are severely limited by not speaking jap.... obviously!!!

elabayarde: could you elaborate a bit more...

When did you go to Japan?

Which parts did you visit? Were your experiences common in a place like Tokyo, where there's likely a large population of foreigners?

How much did you have to work to get a single lay? I know you probably don't have exact numbers, but as a rough estimate, out of the women you approached during the daytime, how many did you end up banging? Was it a small minority or a decent portion? Did you have to collect half a phonebook of numbers to get a few girls who didn't flake, or was every fifth or tenth girl you approached DTF?

What kind of a guy are you? Are you good looking? Are you outgoing, funny, social, well-dressed?

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