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Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

I'm considering studying abroad in Tôkyô, Kyôto, or Ôsaka in 2013/14, and there are several questions I have regarding the women there...

1) Are Japanese girls flakier than others?

After dating a ton of women in from China, and several from Germany and S. Korea [I can't say anything about American or Anglo girls cause I've never dated them], I've never had to deal with flaking on a large scale (it was more the exception than the norm).

However, I've noticed an unusually high amount of flakiness among the Japanese students I've met in Germany (both male and female). With one exception, every Japanese person I've ever had to meet with privately (8 individuals), either for language practice or dating, ended up being a flake, even if it was their idea to meet up. I'm wondering if meeting women there is going to be more of a pain in the ass?

2.) Is it hard to find Japanese girls in their late teens and early to mid 20s who are actually sexy and who don't look and behave like 9-year-olds?

In China, there were a few women who acted slightly childish for their age, but it was just as easy to hook up with grown-looking women who could act feminine or sexy. Same thing with S. Korean girls I've met (still working on my Korean flag, though). However, I've met about 20-25 Japanese students who are studying abroad, all in their early 20s, and so far I can maybe think of two who looked and acted like they were older than 11 (instead of 11, they looked like they were 13). They seem so unimaginably shy and naive that at times I honestly had to ask myself if they knew what a penis was.

Now I don't necessarily need to go after some gravure idol looking chic, but I'd like to know if there's a decent amount of hot girls over there (for someone who likes Asians).

3.) General questions...

Is there anything particular that one should know when approaching and escalating with J-girls. I have a lot of experience dating and hooking up with Chinese girls [I speak fairly good Mandarin], so I'd like to know if there's any comparisson that can be drawn here. [P.S. for additional info: my Japanese is still at a beginner's level].

thanks in advance...

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