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Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

I think you need to look at your bodies natural design. Some of us get big easier then others, some of us stay lean easier then others. I suspect that Virgle has the genetics, bone structure, body type, etc. to get big and stay big. I suspect that Roosh has the body type and genetics to stay lean. If you are naturally a lean person, it can be tough to put on weight and keep it on. Genetics are a bitch and its hard to overcome them.

I say, maximize your natural strengths and design your exercise program to specifically address your genetics/body. If you are naturally muscular, you should probably do what Virgle is doing and be a big, musclular man. If you are naturally thin, you will obviously want to add muscle but understand that you might have to work 10x harder then Virgle to get the same results. A thin guy might be better off just going for a David Beckham type of look or something. Go with the look that makes you feel the most confident.

Personally, I'm lean and would like to be a little more muscular but I am not gonna start force feeding myself extra chicken breasts and stop playing basketball just to be 10 pounds heavier. It's just not worth it for me. But, it might be worth it for someone else.

Maybe the answer is right in the middle, not too skinny, not overly muscular, just fit and healthy looking. And, error on the side of bulk!!!

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