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Russia/Belarus/Ukraine girl Pics

Russia/Belarus/Ukraine girl Pics

Quote: (05-03-2012 04:00 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

There is some suspicion that girls from cultured cities(Grodno,Poznan,Lvov) are easier than girls from industrial cities(Gomel,Katowice,Donetsk) however much remains to be proven.Fact is farmer girls give the best BJ.(just kidding).

I think they're easier because I try to approach girls as the cultured guy. I have more I can talk to them about.

I was telling a girl in industrial town about my trip to the Dominican Republic and how I met a random local at the beach and talked to him in Spanish. I mentioned how cool it is to get to know someone with a different culture/country/language and find things in common. (I mentioned the Dominican guys concern about his ailing mom...not some of the other topics we discussed such as blow and hookers..guys there know how to party.)

The singular sentence she uttered about travel was "I want to see tall buildings in UAE".
Yesterday we had a convo about tea..boring as hell.

I did however, meet a well travelled girl here and we had a great convo and she was interested in me. ( going to meet again tomorrow) She showed me an interesting spot outside the usual city area and told about her adventures camping in the woods in Ukraine. Its so much easier(and enjoyable!) to spend time with a girl when you don't have to struggle to find convo topics..

From my online convos it seems there are a lot more girls I'd like to meet in cultured cities.
I need a target rich city. My goal is no longer quickly finding a wife..its become about learning.

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