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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (05-21-2019 09:59 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

How do you all logically deduce the existence of God? It seems much of it is "feeling" and desire to feel positive , which seems genetic more than anything.

Why would we be given such limited perception with only a *hint* of something bigger that upon death we allegedly find out anyways? You think everyone who dies immediately finds out the 'truth'?

To me, the existence of evil and some sort of *trance* on humanity by an entity like Lucifer seems very logical as I can clearly observe this. But other than that I'm coming up empty. And just because those behaviors are unpleasant to us, how is it any more profound than the killing we see in nature?

I think most Christians even have a hard time believing in an afterlife. The monk, Aurelius Moner, wrote on his ROK articles that many Christians are actually apostates because they don't 110% believe all parts of it. How can you demand a human follow something well beyond their perception? Why would God create billions of people (india/china/persia/etc) who are born into a different belief system so they're going to hell?

My understanding is that each person is given just enough evidence to make them wonder whether there is a God or not.

Beyond that, it is up to them to resolve the question for themselves. Most just put the question off, Christians included.

There is a promise in the Old Testament, that if you seek God with all your heart mind soul and strength, in other words, make it a priority, you will find him.

This is not a simple, abstract, logical pursuit.

Faith isn't just a feeling or impulse. It is the gap between the evidence you have and accepting the whole shebang.

For those who have seen and heard enough that God is obviously real, it is a small leap to make, and for those who haven't it is a larger span.

A good way to think of it is like a relationship. I have used this analogy before, so sorry for repeating, but a parent is willing to explain themselves, to a certain degree, to their children. Beyond that though, you want your kids to trust your judgement and not always be asking why.

You want them to have faith in you as a parent and a person. You cannot objectively *prove* that you love them, and making up an endless list of all the things you did for them and why you did them will not convince them. There will always be another question.

At a certain point, it is up the the child to think about the situation themselves and say, I just trust this adult person. They obviously love me and have my best interests in mind, so even when it seems like they are doing something that is bad for me or goes against my will, I will trust them.

Faith is kind of like that. Trusting the grownups, even though you don't always understand what they are doing or why.

Having questions sometimes, sure, but in general believing in them and their plan for the family.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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