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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (05-12-2019 06:21 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

There's no such thing as "judeo-christianity", it is a completely meaningless term.

You could argue that christianity is Judeo-Hellenic, but even that is stretching it.

Israel as a country and area is inconsequential, it is Sumeria, Babylon and Egypt, which were the "other" compared to Greece.

Given how the Jews rejected Jesus and the Pharisee faction prevailed among them. And wrote the Talmud. Its not the same religion as that which wrote the Old Testament.

The Law and the Prophets represented by Moses and Elijah. All wrote about Jesus the coming Gospel and the Trinity. Although initially in veiled terms due to the vulnerability at the time to idolatry.

The closest to authentic article are the Karaite Jews. The Tanakh only Jews. Most of whom I suspected already converted to Christianity.

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