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The Vox Day thread

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (05-12-2019 12:31 PM)bbgun Wrote:  

Quote: (05-12-2019 01:46 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-11-2019 08:48 PM)bbgun Wrote:  

Strange guy. Obsessed with Peterson, Shapiro and Joooooos in general, while throwing roses at the feet of Putin. And for a man who complains about deplatforming, he bans and moderates posts with the best of them.

This is the kind of putdown that really validates the quality of Vox' work.

His takes on Israel are indistinguishable from that of Omar, Tlaib or Corbyn. I know that politics makes strange bedfellows, but that's some pretty egregious company he's keeping. I agree that Jordan Peterson is another "polite" conservative too cowardly to address HBD, but Vox's obsession with him reeks of jealousy. And to consistently paint Putin as a victim of Western aggression, while cavalierly wiping away his sins, is not only historically illiterate but a form of "blame America first" ethnomasochism routinely practiced by the Left. If you're looking for a messiah, it ain't Vox.

You clearly have no idea about Vox's takes on Israel given that he supports Israeli nationalism and has even said that the Palestinians should relocate to Jordan.

RE: Peterson, by his own admission is neither a conservative or a right winger, so your knowledge of him too, is suspect.

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