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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (05-05-2019 10:34 PM)HAcoreRD Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 10:08 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

the bolded part really hit me.

thank you for that.

I think that actually explains some of the issues I had on tinder.

how many matches a week would you estimate you get that are age 18-21 and at least a 6 in looks (I'm also a harsh rater)?

also, how many people in your city and what do you have your distance set to?

do you use boosts?

No problem. In essence, I think the key is to be flirtatious while making them seem special while simultaneously communicating a high SMV on your part. To them, they are the lucky girl who happened to pique your interest. They can probably sense that you are sleeping around, but you still need to come across as a man of quality rather than quantity.

As for your first question, I honestly couldn't say. This varies tremendously from week to week which makes it hard to say how much it happens on average. The 18-21 age range is very flaky as well, so even if you match and engage it often doesn't lead to much. Just recently I had a 20 year old who seemed really excited ending up ghosting me on the day of our date. That being said, though the average age of girls I bang is closer to 26, this past week all four girls I banged were 22 except for the aforementioned one who was 24, all in the 7 to 8 territory, which makes for what I'd definitely call a damn good week.

I live in a major metropolitan area (several million people) and have my distance set to about 12 miles. I don't pay for extra boosts.

bolded part tells me everything i need to know.

I think I made the right decision and for now will continue to stay off tinder and stick with night game.

Thank you again for taking the time to try to help me.

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