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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (05-05-2019 04:33 PM)tylerdurden1993 Wrote:  

Thought id add to this thread, that I went to my first church service on Sunday. I feel like I’ve been led down this path over the years, helped by the various threads on this forum, which is strange considering what the forum was originally set up for. The final push for me to actually step foot inside a church was the Roosh and E.Michael Jones video, and also a post on this forum where the message was simply get yourself in the door don’t worry about a perfect moment to start going. I’d been procrastinating on the issue for a while, waiting for a ‘perfect moment’.

Straight after the video I emailed a local church that I’d saved in my bookmarks, asking some questions about attending mass. I received a response the next day inviting me to the mass on Sunday. Coincidentally I went out on the Saturday night just intending to go out for a few drinks on Saturday evening, this ended up with us ending up in a nightclub. However when I got in there, I was just looking around thinking why I am here, is this really what you want to do with your life. This was strange as usually I love clubbing/going on nights out etc. So I listened to the voice and left. I think this is the first time I’ve voluntarily left a club early.

The mass itself was OK, I didn’t really understand what was going on but I’m glad I went. I met the priest afterwards and he said one day next week he’d go through the basic points of the mass. I’m going to take him up on his offer. If anyone has any advice going forward I’d be happy to hear it.

Fantastic to hear! I have no idea how the details of a Catholic church work but if its anything like a baptist church, if you have questions about process and a priest is not available many of the old people are friendly and overjoyed to have a person younger than them come to church and will help you out.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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