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The God pill

The God pill

This is such a great thread. As we men age and our sex drive slows down and we see how much more degenerate society is getting, I think this is the next logical conclusion. I have never felt such peace in life until I watched some of Father Ripperger's youtube videos, especially the videos on the 7 deadly sins.

Just a follow up to Leonard and Aurini, as I have immense respect for the two of you...

I understand that we can't try to make a perfect world. It would almost be like trying to build a modern day tower of babel. But on the flip side of we do nothing and just love everyone and then live and let live the world will fall to evil forces. It seems obvious we are very far down the path of a collapse. Everything so upside down from holding no one accountable and just loving them.

So what are we supposed to do? I understand on an individual level we must continue to work to be right with God. But on a society level, on a national level, on a civilization level, what should we be striving for?

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