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Hot girl games / Her social shit tests.

Hot girl games / Her social shit tests.

Quote: (05-02-2019 04:07 PM)bgbusiness Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2019 05:55 PM)Andrej Wrote:  

In two of my sets I could remember at this point I had good looking interaction with a HB8 gril when she suddenly pulls of the phone and goes aside and in ~10-20 min.

That happens all the time. Don't think about it. I would approach a new set.

Quote: (04-30-2019 05:55 PM)Andrej Wrote:  

Her "friend" arrives which is basically a dude who is hitting on here and she is constantly checking me and sometimes even giving me obvious eye contacts to "take over the situation" and win her back. Once I tried to handle that but I was too slow and didn't get too far. Other time I just straight up gave up (I thought it's her boyfriend, but it wasn't) and she even bumped to me from the back and giving me these weird eye contacts and still checking me if I will do something or gave up.

The "friend" is probably an orbiter who is trying to sleep with the girl that you were interacting with.

Yeah, she is gauging your reaction and what you will do.
Girls just want to create drama like that, it's exciting for them.

Early this year, I had a female who would grab my body from the back, a lot of slow kinos here and there. As soon as I try to take her out, she would refuse, but then blow me kisses, etc. Lol

Then I asked couple other dudes and found out that she was doing that same thing for several dudes. None of them got laid, even the ones who were way more good looking than me. She just wants the attention/validation/tingles in her pussy.

Quote: (04-30-2019 05:55 PM)Andrej Wrote:  

I know theoretically how to deal with the situation but It's very risky plus this is the type of the game she plays in which the more you play the more you loose but when you don't play you also loose.

Not really, just go talk to other chick and cut your losses.
Stop wasting your stop and go open other sets like you said.
She is wasting the time of the "friend" also.

Quote: (04-30-2019 05:55 PM)Andrej Wrote:  

I bet she was thinking of me the entire night but I wasn't the guy she fucked that night. I didn't wanted to sacrifice being the most non-needy guy to win the game.

Well, the girl is not going to be like, "This guy was the most non-needy guy, I should go back to him and sleep with him." and walks to you, grabs your hand and walks out of the door with you.

You have to make it happen, not her. You should be always leading as a man.

TBH, I am not saying I am the most playerish guy, but my experience is telling me that this chick is just there to get attention and waste people's time. Even if you take a girl home like this, you will have massive uphill battle escalating due to high anti-slut defense.

I would have just grabbed her number and texted at the end of the night.
She comes to you, that's great. If she doesn't come, drop her and pursue other chicks.

Hi "bgbusiness",

thanks for taking time to write a such a big reply.

It definitely feels like She playing games to stroke her ego and have some fun at Friday night.

Happens to girls around HB8 that has technically the most guys approaching them all the time and if they are still young they think they are amazing shiny princesses and that they can have everything. So some become this disgusting bitches who plays these disrespectful games to stroke their insanely bloated ego.

On the other hand, as what game taught me girls play games and it's not usually what it seems. This is just sort of normal social dynamic for high demand girls and this is how they pre-select men. So unless I win the game and know at least a bunch of these girls I cannot say if they are really disrespectful self centered bitches or not. However it looks like the relationship with such a girl would be pretty damn awful.

By the way I talked to her friend and She asked me if I like her and I said that I don't know that She have this front/mask and She didn't opened yet and Her friend told me that She is not like that in real life. That girl also went home with some random guy from the club.

I can remember couple of sets except this experience I had last week, that went down similarly. I have approached Her and she responded positively and She suddenly bring some other guy and give these looks .. and never .. it was her boyfriend. You can see on the guys face that He also don't knows who I am and he playing safe you can tell by the face of confusion [Image: smile.gif]

There is one more set I remembered just now It was too late at the end of the night and I opened this pretty hot girl with a friend .. and that interaction was actually great but She was giving me shit all the time (which is a good thing) and one of her cute shit test was she played like the guy at the bar was her boyfriend and talked loud on him .. and stood beside him for a couple of seconds and then left .. you should see the guys face [Image: biggrin.gif] .. it was totally random guy, He had no idea what was going on.

Girls do this kind of shit all the time and I wasn't really doing anything stupid (just to make that clear) I didn't followed Her I didn't grabbed her I was just playful, little cocky and her friend actually liked me and when they went home before they left Her friend came to me and told me that they are too drank, it's too late and that they will go home. (just so that is clear I wasn't the chode and girls are pretty familiar with these dynamic as well, we were all on the same page. Her more sober older friend decided to fuck it and go home but She showed sympathy).

It didn't had happyend but it looked good She just threw ton of shit on me to see if I am worth it (since there wasn't that much time left that behavior was totally expected) and I passed pretty much everything. But if the guy at the bar was really some of Her friends or maybe even some fucking orbiter it would be a different difficulty.

The problem that I have is when they actually manage to pull to the "game" some other guy around or even somebody who is in their social circle as an obstacle. I know I only have to push thru to find out, but I was wondering why nobody breaks down these common social dynamic patterns and I have to wander around internet in hopes somebody will have more experience than I do so I have a better clearer plan how to handle that.

I am not fan of trial and error strategy the game should be the exact opposite of that and reading and listening about game helped me massively so far that's why I keep looking for the information however these things are not necessarily in interests of majority pickup coaches and authors who produce the most information out there with clients that are 99% total beginners.

I have seen girls playing this "neediness" game over and over again putting you in the situations when you either show insecurity or neediness or you don't give a fuck but still put away enough effort so that you can get somewhere that's the whole fucking game to play. It requires very delicate calibration which is on the edge of my abilities just yet but I will get there.

She just want to see if you will follow Her and keep pushing when she turns back on you. It's just a ugly shit test. It's exactly as you described, She tease you and then turn back on you to see if you will follow like a fucking orbiter. Because there is nothing that turn the hot girl off more as neediness. I know this because I lost my girlfriend year ago because I was a little bit more needy than was acceptable, I just couldn't hide it, She smelled it and lost respect and care. Sad story, but eye opening. She was the hottest girl I pulled at that time, it was pretty epic night and one of my best pulls ever. She liked me more than I but I started to like her more over time and she smelled that I am needy, I was texting her too much.

What I usually do is breaking rapport. I leave the girl and when she leaves for whatever reason I never follow I just reapproach little later. Sometimes reapproach 3 times during the night, to a degree it's my style. I am not a pushy guy, it works on some girls but demanded hot bitches hate that upmost .. the less needy you are the more interesting you are for her. On the other hand you still have to be leading and be persistent which can sometimes if not play perfect make you look needy and that will totally fuck you up. It's a thin ice.


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