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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (04-30-2019 11:50 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

I've gone down a more spiritual path in the last 2 or 3 years. I was raised Christian, but could never fully embrace the teachings. It didn't feel right. For many years I just lived life without much thought for religion even thought I still believed in God. I'm not sure if I truly believed or if this was a belief that was built into me from a child.

About 10 years ago, I had something happen to me to that had removed any doubts of a afterlife. I still didn't think about what that afterlife may actually be, but knew that our time here wasn't an end to us when we leave it.

I'd say a couple years ago I started catching some videos and then found some blogs and read some books and a picture of a afterlife emerged to where it just made sense to me.

To sum up what I have come to believe is that our time on Earth was pre-planned. Our true home is heaven or the afterlife. Things are so great there that we come here to experience negativity and to learn from it in order to grow more spiritually.

We may experience many reincarnations to grow spiritually.

I don't know why, but this all made sense to me a couple of years ago. Before that I would roll my eyes and think crazy. It answers all of my questions as to why a God would allow such bad things to happen to us. God created this place for our learning and gave us free will in order for us to grow. Many bad things are planned, but many are not. Some things are not pre-planned like murder. That is based on free will.

So, for me, I'm trying to judge less and be more loving to people. I think for most of us the feeling of helping someone just naturally feels great. That is our true selves shining through. I've dedicated some time to reading books on getting over the ego issue. I used to think the ego was a good thing but realized it leads us down a false path. We can't get rid of our ego's but we do have power over what thoughts take root and what thoughts we just allow to pass through.

I've become more and more happier since I started following this path. I don't fear death, I don't fear about what I may have missed... I just accept that I am following a plan and have faith that it will lead me to being better. We are all going to the same afterlife. We are all here for the same purpose even if we are taking different paths to get there.

Would love to hear this story if you are comfortable sharing it.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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