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The God pill

The God pill

Now Roosh has discovered Fr Chad Ripperger, matching my own journey towards truth.


I mentioned this video in passing last November:


I listened to an interesting talk by an Exorcist a few weeks back, who suggested that Civilizations follow the same predictable pattern of destruction, as they progressively-fall prey to what is known as The Table, the five demons under Lucifer. The first goal is to promote sexual promiscuity, and each demon is given reign as each marker falls: one for the satanic sacrament of abortion, male homosexuality, female homosexuality / feminism, etc. One of the Feminist websites is, unsurprisingly, named after one of them.

I've been listening to his talks since about February last year, and have been amazed at how reliably-accurate his knowledge is.

This is how following his advice on How To Heal Your Primary Wound healed the deep rift between me and my Father:


Note in this second post I had listened to another video after I wrote all the first one, and was floored by him describing exactly what I had just experienced: the fwoom of Infused Knowledge.


A couple of other things, offhand:

- His video on identifying your Spiritual Temperament and advice on how to 'correct' the deficiencies that arise from them was incredible. In my case, there was a particularly-useful to devotion to do daily, which was confronting enough initially to make me cry as I said it, and I'm not a man who sheds tears easily.

A friend had observed my reaction to saying the prayer, and, didn't understand it. A few weeks later, he was listening to another talk by Fr Ripperger on a different subject with me, and, by chance, he mentioned my temperament and the devotion.

He said something like "What you'll usually find, is that saying this prayer causes the Melancholic Physical Pain, to the extent that they'll frequently cry saying it."

My friend, flabbergasted: "How could he know that?"

I've heard that a lot over the last year.

- His advice on Generational Spirits led me to, once again, do the suggested devotion and receiving the Infused Knowledge that, yes, as I suspected, my family was cursed. Including that it came via my Grandfather, that he was a Freemason, and the Demon's Name we were promised to: one of The Table.

When I told my Sister, she didn't believe me. "But he always seemed so nice."

I was firm. I can't quite explain the calm surety that comes from this kind of thing. "This came from the Blessed Mother. I even received a quick vision of a Freemason Ring."

She wasn't convinced, until I... very casually... tried to bring it up with my Father a few days later, only to find him very open about it:

"Oh yeah, Dad was a Freemason. I still have his apron."

Looking further into what that Demon is said to do, I could see why my Grandmother was hit by a car one day, then had to spend 40 years of her life hunched over to almost a 90 degree angle on a cane. I could see why my Uncle died of a snapped neck. I could see why my grandfather's early death surprised everyone. I could see why there's so much Cancer all through the family.

Particularly, I saw how that Demon had controlled me from, I'm guessing, about 14 or so, until sometime in 2015. There was a weird event in my childhood: a sensation that something outside myself had... invaded... me - mirrored by what seemed like a reversal of the same event that year - as something was... expelled... out of me.

Reading about his influence over a soul was like reading my life history, right down to the wound with my Father and the resulting deep insecurity from that that drove my dysfunctional behaviour.

- Understanding the full horror of a complete destruction of a family line - even seeing how my Grandfather was used and lied to - and not knowing what else to do, I offered myself up as a sacrifice of love to free everyone, saying I would take on the burden of their sins.

A few weeks later, in August, I was struck almost fully-deaf. My nervous system started malfunctioning, meaning I now have regular seizures and have to walk with a cane. I have constant pain in my lower spine and on one side of my neck. It's not unusual to have 14 hour attacks of vertigo, where all I can do is lie in bed and vomit.

I haven't really talked about this because I'm not a whiny bitch, and can always adapt to problems that arise in my life. Plus, I have the Father: it's hard to explain but, as St John of the Cross says, 'Joy and Pain both mean nothing to me'. Suffering becomes an expression of his love.

- Interestingly, the Priests here seem very veiled when you discuss Demons, believing it all has (((psychological))) explanations, but the Nuns all understand: "God will hold you to that promise." According to them, I, somehow suffer well.

- If you study the Demon, he attacks the Neck, The Spine and the Nervous System. They say to picture him as curled around your spine, squeezing the life out of you.

- Having Known the Demon, you can easily-recognise his Children by their behaviour - I'll write something on that when I have the time - and can see how they are often moved around like pawns to attempt bring you back into the fold. I mentioned nine months of dealing with a Stalker from Church here: he evidences all the predicted-behaviour.

"Don't talk to me about humility! I'm humble! If there's something I can't stand, it's being told something I already know!"

- and -

"The Catholic Church is controlled by Satanists! Vatican II! Don't take communion in the hand! You can't trust the mainstream Church! You need to go to the Latin Mass! Pope Francis is the AntiPope!"

The Demon's Goal is to separate you from the Body, so you are more vulnerable. Note my Sister has an incredible Infused Knowledge of the Father - perfectly-echoing Contemplative Saints she's never read - but can't physically-seem to get herself to go to a Church, almost as if something is blocking her.

Sometimes the Demon's Children will try and separate you via Wormtongue: they'll be bashing Catholics one moment, or at other times they'll pretend that they're just concerned that you somehow don't know that you're 'worshipping Satan'.

I'm guessing my Stalker fell under full control during his suicide attempt twenty years ago, when he threw himself in front of a truck, damaging - you guessed it - his neck.


Considering Ripperger is a member of a supposedly-Satanic Church, recommending I pray to Mary for help, who is supposedly a Demon, he really has the Goods. Everything he suggests works, and can reveal the spiritual reality of the demonic forces around you, allowing the dysfunction to be repaired. Most people won't have anywhere near the harsh journey I've had: my parent's were Hippies and Occultists. My Sister and I always thought we grew up in a Haunted House - everyone who ever stepped foot in that place sensed and commented on it - but, now we understand it was Demonic Activity.

How did we end up in that particular house? I was talking to my Dad recently and I commented on our extreme poverty in my youth, but then we suddenly had a house, and he said "Oh, I never even saw it before we moved in. That was all your Grandfather: he found it and put a deposit down on the house for us."

Why would my Grandfather have chosen that particular house? See how everything is linked?

There's one more link in this puzzle: a childhood memory of overhearing my father crying to my mother in the middle of the night, the day after my Grandfather had died. As a child, I couldn't register the reality of what I was hearing: that he'd seen His Dead Father in the front hallway (always a place my Sister and I had long learnt not to linger in, and if you had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, you kept your eyes on the carpet).

Whatever Dad saw so deeply-disturbed him that, a week later, he was taking us to a Catholic Church. I wonder if he was warned? How do I even bring this up with him?

If you want to take on a similar journey, I recommend Ripperger's video on overcoming your Primary Wound. Despite what it might look like to outside observers, I'd rather be where I am - even with the suffering - than ever again be what I was.

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