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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (04-28-2019 01:55 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Your post leads nowhere. Yes, God is allowing Islam to invade our lands because we've become unrighteous. Yes, God allowed Communism to take over Russia because we ignored Fatima. Yes, God allowed Martin Luther his heresies because the Catholic Church had become corrupt. What's your point? Shrug our shoulders, and accommodate the evil in our midst?

Something I've had in my mind for a while is if the current situation with Islam in Europe is a repeat of when God allowed Israel to be overrun by it's neighbors even though those neighbors were heathens. I'm generally wary of over-spiritualizing politics and social-cultural changes as a sign that God is doing something but for the past few years I can't but help but think of the parallels. Just like the Israelites abandoned the old covenant, the Europeans have been abandoning the new covenant and this seems to be the result.

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