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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (04-29-2019 10:52 AM)Aurini Wrote:  


You can find the information on Wikipedia, but as usual you have to read between the lines. Here's an explanation that details the why and whom behind the books being removed, and to this day most of the arguments Protestants start are inspired by these particular exemptions.

Faith vs Works: this is a completely autistic debate. I've quoted the Catholic Church's stance to Protestant pastors, and they said they agreed with it; then I told them it was the Catholic Church's stance, and they said they disagreed with it (is that of God? Or is that early Social Justice?)

Prayers to Saints: one of the books removed discussed praying to the dead. The Protestants argue that praying for the intercession of a living Saint is idolatry - even though all of their ancestors did it for over a thousand years.

Have you ever seen one of those videos where somebody tries to argue against Anita Sarkeesian's mischaracterization of video games? And it takes them 30 minutes to explain why her 5 minute video is incorrect? That's what arguing with a Protestant is like. They make up their facts, and cherry-pick their evidence, and no matter how many times you trap them with logic, they'll say "Well, you're clever, but I still think you worship idols."

This is also the problem with vulgate Bibles; your average idiot can use them to argue whatever he wants, and then claim that God sanctioned it.

Unlike a scientific debate, a debate with a Protestant does nothing to advance one's faith or understanding. They just want to drag you down into the mud, and facts won't sway their opinion. Consider that I was an atheist for most of my adult life - and I was argued (following revelation, it always needs to start there) into joining the most difficult Church with the least social status. I could have become a Unitarian, and kept doing whatever I want to do - but I put on an outfit that didn't quite fit, because I knew it would straighten my spine.

Protestants lack logos.

I'm a Protestant, and I think Catholics are wrong. However, I think they are only 10% wrong. Agnostics are 75% wrong, Atheists are 100% wrong and Satanists and reprobates are 200% wrong.

This day and age is not the one to be worried about if your neighbor is going to the right church. It should be if they go to a Church at all, or even know Christ.

When I get mormons that come to my door do I try to convert them to southern baptists? No. I offer them some cold water and a snack and then we talk about the elderly or homebound or troubled people on my street that don't know Jesus at all and could use some charity or the gospel. We'll pray something out of the New Testament and they are on their way encouraged to win souls.

Satan probably loves it when Christians just argue among themselves like Pharisees instead of engaging the lost or serving their Church.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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